Re: Best practices for representing versioning of datasets

Hi Alvaro

The health care and life sciences interest group (HCLS) have been putting together a community profile for exactly this use case. While it had been developed in the HCLS group it is generic and applicable for any domain.

The finalised editors' draft is available at

We agreed on Monday to push this out as a group note so it should be on a w3c page soon.

Alasdair J G Gray

On 12 Mar 2015, at 04:03, Alvaro Graves <<>> wrote:

I want to represent several datasets in RDF, but some of them are updated daily. My guess would be to use

- DCAT + PROV-O + Dublin Core (and maybe VOID) for the datasets' description
- Data Cube for the dataset content.

But I don't know if there is a standard way of doing this that is widely accepted in the community, any pointers?

Alvaro Graves-Fuenzalida, PhD
Web: - Twitter: @alvarograves

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Received on Thursday, 12 March 2015 08:58:10 UTC