- From: George Angelos Papadopoulos <george@cs.ucy.ac.cy>
- Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 11:37:56 +0200
- To: SIGSAND-L@CLIFFY.UCS.MUN.CA, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG, irlist@lists.shef.ac.uk, SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE@acm.org, confs-submit@hri.org, hellas@lists.psu.edu, semantic-web@w3.org
- Message-Id: <1C717AC8-9E90-46E4-9839-B74CB334491B@cs.ucy.ac.cy>
*** Combined Call for Contributions - Extended Deadline *** The 15th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2016) June 5-7, 2016, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus http://cyprusconferences.org/icsr2016/ Papers Submission Deadline: 11th January 2016 (extended) For decades the International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR) has been the premier event in the field of software reuse research and technology. The main goal of ICSR is to present the most recent advances and breakthroughs in the area of software reuse and to promote an intensive and continuous exchange among researchers and practitioners. The 15th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2016) will be held on June 5-7 2016, in Cyprus. CALL FOR RESEARCH PAPERS We invite submissions on new and innovative research results and industrial experience reports in the area of software reuse. The guiding theme of ICSR 2016 is: Software reuse: bridging with social-awareness Development online social networks are gaining ground lately with software engineers participating in different fora collaborating and exchanging ideas and expertise. Software reuse needs to utilize, but also strengthen, this new form of synergies that can be built among engineers. ICSR special theme aims to bring this aspect in software reuse by raising social-awareness, strengthening the existing platforms and tools, and utilizing the vast software information that exists in development social networks. Amongst the numerous important challenges we identified the following major topics for research focusing on reuse with social-awareness: · Social network interactions between developers to support software reuse · Utilization of online social development tools for software reuse · Software reuse to enhance social-awareness · Trust, security and semantic issues of social aspects of software reuse Beyond those novel challenges for software reuse, we solicit submissions dealing with all aspects of software reuse, including, but not limited to the following ones: · Domain analysis and modelling · Asset search and retrieval · Architecture-centric reuse approaches · Component-based reuse · Service-oriented architectures · COTS-based development and reuse of open source assets · Generative development · Domain-specific languages · Software composition and modularization · Model-driven development · Reengineering for reuse · Software product line techniques · Quality assurance for software reuse, such as testing and verification · Reuse of non-code artifacts (process, experience, etc.) · Economic models of reuse · Benefit and risk analysis, scoping · Legal and managerial aspects of reuse · Transition to software reuse · Industrial experience with reuse · Light-weight reuse approaches · Agile reuse · Software evolution and reuse · Reuse for mobile and ubiquitous applications Paper Submission Novel and well-founded work in the wider area of software reuse is highly welcome. We look for strong research work which might have a strong theoretical or empirical foundation. Theoretical work should in particular provide innovative ideas and should be based on a sound theoretical basis. Empirical work based on case studies, empirical research and experiments is also highly welcome. Industrial submissions describing practical experience are also strongly encouraged. Submissions must conform to Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science format, and are limited to 16 pages in length, in English. Short papers (up to 8 pages) are accepted as well and should be marked accordingly. You will be able to submit your paper via Easychair. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. We plan to have a best paper award for this conference, details will be announced in due time. Accepted papers will be published in Springer's highly visible LNCS series again. Please note that a full conference (i.e. not a student) registration is required for a technical paper to be published. Moreover, the prestigious Journal of Systems and Software will dedicate a special issue on software reuse for which the authors of selected papers from the conference will be invited to submit an extended version (containing at least 30% new material). The CFP of the special issue can be found here: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-systems-and-software/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-software-reuse-cfp/ CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS ICSR 2016, the premier conference on software reuse, invites proposals for one-day and half-day workshops to be hosted in conjunction with the conference. Since software reuse is pervasive in all aspects of software development, workshops on a variety of topics including, but not limited to those listed above may be appropriate. Submissions in the area of the conference's main topic will receive preferential treatment. Workshop proposals are limited to 3 pages in length. The proposal should include the following information: · A title of the workshop · Names of organizers and their affiliations · A summary of workshop objectives · A statement of why the workshop would be of interest to potential ICSR attendees · A description of the qualifications of the organizers to host the workshop · A preliminary schedule for the workshop · Your estimates on number of interested attendees · Any past experience with hosting such workshops · Any special workshop requirements · A one-page Workshop CFP (such as the one the organizers would send out to invite attendees). Please email your workshop proposals to Tommi Mikkonen (tjm@cs.tut.fi). Proposals are reviewed as they are received on a first come first served basis. Workshop descriptions and associated papers will be part of the conference post-proceedings. Springer will be contacted for potential inclusion in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series (http://www.springer.com/series/7899). CALL FOR TUTORIAL PROPOSALS ICSR 2016, the premier conference on software reuse, invites submissions for tutorial proposals. The purpose of the tutorial program is to provide participants with the opportunity to expand their software reuse knowledge and skills. Tutorials may focus on well-established or cutting-edge topics, particularly welcome are those consistent with ICSR 2016 theme, and in general the ones concerning software reuse as listed in the CFP. Proposals for tutorials are limited to 3 pages and should include: · The tutorial title and keywords · The tutorial length (half or full day) · Presenter information (short bio) · Tutorial description, history (if a similar tutorial was given before by the presenters) · Presentation format/method including technical requirements (beamer, whiteboards, etc.) Please email your tutorial proposals to Tommi Mikkonen (tjm@cs.tut.fi). Tutorial proposals are reviewed as they are received on a first come first served basis. Tutorial descriptions will not appear in the ICSR Proceedings, but all speakers can have any relevant materials posted on the ICSR web site. DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM CALL FOR PAPERS The goal of the Doctoral Symposium is to provide a forum for doctoral students working in the area of software reuse (or in areas closely related to reuse) to discuss their proposed thesis. Students will get feedback on their work from the Symposium Expert Panelists, and will be able to attend regular ICSR sessions. Participants will present their work highlighting the main research challenges, solution directions, results obtained thus far, evaluation plan, and research plan towards the completion of the Ph.D. studies. Presentation - limited to twenty minutes - should be supported by slides. An Expert Panel composed of software reuse researchers will provide feedback to help students shape their work. There will be an award for the most promising idea for original research. The winner will be selected based on the submitted paper, presentation and discussions. Accepted papers will be published (probably at CEUR, http://ceur-ws.org). Submission Instructions Currently registered doctoral students are invited to submit their proposal for participation in the Doctoral Symposium, provided they have already selected a research topic and outlined the research plan in some detail. The event serves as an opportunity to receive early feedback on a thesis topic or later feedback to help tune a dissertation. To be considered, a student should submit a research papers and his/her supervisor should submit a recommendation letter as follows: The research paper should be written in the style of the thesis proposal, addressing the research problem description and its importance (who will benefit from the solution and how), research challenges, research approach, related work (highlight the novelty of your approach), results to date, plans for evaluation, and references. Please indicate on the top of the front page: your name, the date (month/year) that you started your Ph.D., the expected defense date (month/year), and the name of your advisor. The paper is limited to 4 pages in length and must conform to Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science format. Submit the paper directly to the symposium chair Maurizio Morisio (maurizio.morisio@polito.it), with subject "ICSR DS Symposium Proposal". Recommendation letter: A thesis advisor should e-mail a brief recommendation letter directly to the symposium chair Maurizio Morisio, with subject "ICSR DS Symposium Recommendation Letter". An Expert Panel will evaluate all submissions and accepted proposals will be presented at the ICSR Doctoral Symposium. It is important to notice that the person that will present an accepted paper must be the doctoral student, author of the paper. Professors and colleagues are not allowed to present papers on behalf of the doctoral student. CALL FOR TOOL DEMONSTRATIONS The ICSR Tool Demonstrations enable industry and academic researchers to share their ideas and present the state of the art and practice in Software Reuse. ICSR 2016 presents an excellent opportunity for researchers and professional software engineers to present their working tools and systems to the Software Reuse community. Submission Instructions We invite proposals for tool demonstrations on any topics related to software reuse. Tools suggesting their reuse recommendations directly in IDEs (such as Eclipse etc.) are especially welcome. All selected tools will be presented during the conference in two ways: · A formal lecture-style presentation session · An informal demo session where individuals can walk around, ask specific questions, and interact with the tools. Accepted tool demonstrations will be part of the conference proceedings. Submissions should not exceed 4 pages and must conform to Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0) format. Proposals for tool demonstrations should be sent to Frederik Kramer at frederik.kramer@initos.com. Authors should share their tools and include in their submission a link to an illustrative video of 2-5 minutes that should be available online. IMPORTANT DATES FOR ALL TYPES OF SUBMISSIONS · Submission of research papers and industrial reports: 11 January 2016 · Notification for research papers and submission reports: 25 February 2016 · Camera Ready submission of research papers and industrial reports: 10 March 2016 · Special Issue JSS: 03 October 2016 · Submission of workshop proposals: 28 January 2016 · Notification for workshop proposals: 10 February 2016 · Submission of tutorial proposals: 28 January 2016 · Notification for tutorial proposals: 10 February 2016 · Submission of Doctoral Symposium papers: 28 January 2016 · Notification for Doctoral Symposium papers: 20 February 2016 · Camera Ready submission of Doctoral Symposium papers: 10 March 2016 · Submission of tool demos : 28 January 2016 · Notification for tool demos: 20 February 2016 COMMITTEES General Chair · George Angelos Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) Program Co-Chairs · Georgia Kapitsaki (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) · Eduardo Almeida (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil) Doctoral Consortium Chair · Maurizio Morisio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) Workshops and Tutorials Chair · Tommi Mikkonen (Tampere University of Technology, Finland) Industry Fair/Tools Chair · Frederik Kramer (Otto-von-Guericke-Universitat Magdeburg, initOS, Germany) Program Committee http://cyprusconferences.org/icsr2016/pco.html
Received on Thursday, 24 December 2015 09:37:32 UTC