1st CfP: 6th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference - Madeira Island - Portugal (EEWC 2016)

**Call for papers**

**6th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference**

May 30 - June 3, 2016 - Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal

Experience the benefits of a Working Conference, an Industry Track and a
Doctoral Consortium, in the Portuguese paradise known as the Pearl of the
Atlantic and Europe’s Leading Island Destination of 2014
<http://ciaonetwork.org/phplist/lt.php?id=YU0LAhoGAh1Q> by World Travel
Awards. Come and visit us on a venue with breath taking views
<http://ciaonetwork.org/phplist/lt.php?id=YU0CDxoGAh1Q>, providing
inspiration and conditions for an interesting program with significant
scientific advancement.

The 6th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC) in 2016 will be
the sixth working conference addressing the emerging field of Enterprise
Engineering, having as goal to gather academics and practitioners in order
to share innovative research issues and practical experiences, and to
facilitate profound discussions on the issues put forward in the next
sections of this Call for Papers.

Proceedings published in Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information
Processing <http://ciaonetwork.org/phplist/lt.php?id=YU0CBBoGAh1Q> (LNBIP).

Please distribute this Call for Papers among your colleagues, and/or e-mail
lists you belong to, that may be possibly interested in this conference.


Modern enterprises face a strong pressure to increase agility and
competitiveness, to operate on the global market, and to engage in manifold
alliances. However, many strategic initiatives in enterprises fail, meaning
that enterprises are unable to gain success from their strategy. One of the
identified reasons for such failures is the lack of coherence and
consistency among the various components of an enterprise. At the same
time, the need to operate as a unified and integrated whole is becoming
increasingly important. Currently, these challenges are dominantly
addressed from a functional or managerial perspective, as advocated by the
management and organization sciences, and as implemented by traditional
programs in business schools. Such knowledge is indeed necessary for
managing an enterprise, but it is insufficient for bringing about changes
in a fully systematic and integrated way. To do that, one needs to take a
constructional or engineering perspective.

In addition, both organizations and software applications are complex
systems, prone to entropy. This means that in the course of time, the costs
of bringing about similar changes increase in a way that is known as
combinatorial explosion. Entropy can be reduced and managed effectively
through modular design based on atomic elements.

Lastly, the individual persons in an enterprise, in cooperation, are
ultimately responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the
enterprise. They are also collectively responsible for the evolution of the
enterprise, in order to meet new challenges. We believe these
responsibilities can be borne in a much more effective way if members have
an appropriate knowledge and an effective awareness of the enterprise given
by a sound engineering approach put forward by a full-fledged scientific


The CIAO! Enterprise Engineering Network (CEEN) is a community of academics
and practitioners who strive to contribute to the development of the
discipline of Enterprise Engineering (EE), and to apply it in practice. The
aim is to develop a holistic and general systems theory based understanding
on how to (re)design and run enterprises effectively.

The ambition is to develop a consistent and coherent set of theories,
models and associated methods that: enable enterprises to reflect, in a
systematic way, on how to realize improvements; and assist them, in
practice, in achieving their aspirations.

In doing so, sound empirical and scientific foundations should underlie all
efforts and all organisational aspects that are relevant should be
considered, while combining already existing knowledge from the scientific
fields of information systems, software engineering, management, as well as
philosophy, semiotics and sociology, among others.

In other words, the (re)design of an enterprise and the subsequent
implementation of changes should be the consequence of rationalised
decisions that: take in account the nature and reality of the enterprise
and its environment; and respect relevant empirical and scientific

Enterprises are taken to be systems whose reality has a dual nature by
being simultaneously, on one hand, centrally and purposefully (re)designed;
and, on the other hand, emergent in a distributed way, given the fact that,
its main agents, the humans that are the ‘pearls’ of the organization,
act with free will, in a creative and in a responsible (or sometimes not)

We acknowledge that, in practice, the development of enterprises is not
always a purely rational/evidence-based process. As such, we believe the
field of EE aims to provide evidence-based insights into the design and
evolution of enterprises and the consequences of different choices
irrespective of the way decisions are made.

The origin of the scientific foundations of our present body of knowledge
is the CIAO! Paradigm (Communication, Information, Action, Organisation) as
expressed in the Enterprise Engineering Manifesto
<http://ciaonetwork.org/phplist/lt.php?id=YU0CBRoGAh1Q> and the paper: The
Discipline of Enterprise Engineering
<http://ciaonetwork.org/phplist/lt.php?id=YU0LAxoGAh1Q> . In this paradigm,
organisation is considered to emerge in human communication, through the
intermediate roles of information and action. Based on the CIAO! Paradigm,
several theories have been developed, and still are being proposed. They
are published as technical reports
<http://ciaonetwork.org/phplist/lt.php?id=YU0LABoGAh1Q> .

The CEEN welcomes proposals of improvements to our current body of
knowledge, as well as the inclusion of compliant and alternative views,
always keeping in mind the need to maintain global systemic coherence,
consistency and scientific rigour of the entire EE body of knowledge, as a
prerequisite for the consolidation of this new engineering discipline.
Yearly events <http://ciaonetwork.org/phplist/lt.php?id=YU0LARoGAh1Q>

like the Enterprise Engineering Working Conference and associated Doctoral
Consortium are organized to promote the presentation of EE research and
application in practice, as well as discussions on the contents and current
state of our body of theories and methods.


Topics of interest to this working conference include, but are not limited

* Business Process Management
* Business Process Modeling and Simulation
* Business Rules
* Business Rules Management
* Collaborative, Participatory, and Interactive Modeling
* Component-Based System Development
* Domain Ontologies
* Domain Reference Ontologies
* Enterprise Architecture
* Enterprise Design and Implementation
* Enterprise Governance
* Enterprise Modeling and Simulation
* Enterprise Ontology
* Information System Architectures
* Information System Ontologies
* Information Systems Design
* Information Systems Development
* Modeling (cross-enterprise) Business Processes
* Ontology Implementation
* Reference Models for (cross-enterprise) Business Processes
* Service Oriented Architecture
* Service Oriented Design


The EEWC proceedings will be published in the Springer LNBIP series:
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing


We are looking for papers on current or recently finished research
initiatives/projects as well as papers from practitioners. Based on our
motivating experience of the previous working conferences, the 6th EEWC is
planned to be a real working conference, providing ample time for profound
discussions following the paper presentations. Namely, a 40 minutes slot is
normally reserved for each paper.

Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be
unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must
conform to Springer’s LNBIP format and should not exceed 15 pages,
including all text, figures, references and appendices. Submissions not
conforming to the LNBIP format or exceeding 15 pages will be rejected
without review. Information about the Springer LNBIP format can be found at
Springer LNBIP web page mentioned above. Three to five keywords
characterizing the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract.

For submissions please go to our Easychair conference web page (soon to be
available) and sign-up or sign-in, submit your abstract and upload your
paper taking in account the dates specified below.

Important note: Since the review process is double-blind, please make sure
that your names and affiliations are not listed in the paper submitted for

**Important Dates**
Abstract submission: February 6, 2016 (not mandatory)
Paper submission: February 24, 2016
Acceptance notification: March 13, 2016
Camera ready: March 26, 2016
EEWC Main program: May 30 - June 1, 2016
EEWC Ciao! Research Discussion Sessions: June 2 and 3, 2016
Complementary touristic activities: May 29 and June 4, 2016


**Advisory Board **

Antonia Albani, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Jan L.G. Dietz, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

**Conference Chair**

Jorge Sanz, IBM Research at Almaden, California US **Program co-Chairs**

David Aveiro, University of Madeira, Portugal 

Robert Pergl, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic 

Antonia Albani, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

**Organization co-Chairs**

David Aveiro, University of Madeira, Portugal

Duarte Gouveia, University of Madeira, Portugal

**Program Committee (to be updated)**

Bernhard Bauer University of Augsburg, Germany
Carlos Páscoa Portuguese Air Force Academy, Portugal
Christian Huemer Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Duarte Gouveia University of Madeira, Portugal
Eduard Babkin Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Eric Dubois Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Erik Proper Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Florian Matthes Technical University Munich, Germany
Frank Harmsen Maastricht University and Ernst & Young Advisory
Geert Poels University of Gent, Belgium
Gil Regev École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Graham McLeod University of Cape Town, South Africa
Hans Mulder University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jan Hoogervorst Sogeti Netherlands, The Netherlands
Jan Verelst University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jens Gulden University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
João Pombinho University of Lisbon, Portugal
Johann Eder University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Joop de Jong Mprise, The Netherlands
José Tribolet INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal
Junichi Iijima Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Khaled Gaaloul Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Marcello Bax Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Maurício Almeida Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Miguel Mira da Silva INESC and University of Lisbon, Portugal
Niek Pluijmert INQA Quality Consultants, The Netherlands
Nuno Castela Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal
Olga Oshmarina Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Paul Johanesson Stockholm University, Sweden
Peter Loos University of Saarland, Germany
Philip Huysmans University of Antwerp, Belgium
Robert Lagerström KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Rony Flatscher Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration,
Sanetake Nagayoshi Waseda University, Japan
Sérgio Guerreiro Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal
Steven van Kervel Formetis, The Netherlands
Stijn Hoppenbrouwers HAN University of Applied Sciences
Sybren de Kinderen University of Luxembourg
Ulrich Frank University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Ulrik Franke Swedish Defense Research Agency, Sweden

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Received on Saturday, 5 December 2015 16:45:07 UTC