- From: John Domingue <john.domingue@open.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 10:10:18 +0100
- To: SW-forum Web <semantic-web@w3.org>
[apologies for multiple emails] “I could not envision a better way of learning and connecting, and becoming a part of the Semantic Web community. I wish to stay in touch with all the awesome people I met here…” 2014 ESWC Summer School Student “Attending this summer school eventually lead not only to some nice paper collaborations but also paved the way to the PhD position in Germany that I’m currently holding.” Former Venezuelan Summer School Student now at KIT. “Looking back after two years, I can say that the ESWC summer school has been the most influential event in my research career so far.” Former student from Ghent University Main Page: http://summerschool2015.eswc-conferences.org/ Registration page: http://summerschool2015.eswc-conferences.org/apply/ **Closing date for registration: June 19th, 2015** Fees for STI International Members: 550 Fees for non-members: 630 The fifth ESWC Summer School will take place the beautiful village of Kalamaki Crete August 31st – 5th September, 2015. The overall goal for this event is to provide intensive training and networking opportunities for the next ESWC generation. In particular we wish to facilitate the creation of a new cohort of ESWC: Master's, Ph.D. students and junior researchers who will in time become the next leaders of the ESWC conference and of the Linked Data/Semantic Web research area in general. Recent press articles have highlighted the value of Open Educational Resources (OERs) within Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). The summer school will make extensive use of OERs from the Euclid [1] and PlanetData [2] EU projects as well as from the European Data Science Academy [3] allowing participants to: · View the materials which form the basis for the technical part of the Summer School as high quality eBooks (available on eBook readers, on iPads and Kindle) and in web form before attending (see [4]). · View the technical presentations as Webinars (see [4]). · Provide feedback on all materials to the course authors and Summer School tutors for the benefit of both educators and learners. Keynotes · Lora Aroyo, VU University Amsterdam · Marko Grobelnik, Josef Stefan Institute · Martin Hepp - Universität der Bundeswehr Munich · James Hodson, Bloomberg · Chris Welty, Google Research Tutors · Isabelle Augenstein, University of Sheffield · John Domingue, KMi, The Open University and STI International · Irini Fundulaki, FORTH · Barry Norton, British Museum · Elena Simperl, University of Southampton Organisation · John Domingue, KMi, The Open University and STI International · Elena Simperl, University of Southampton The topics of the ESWC summer school will be aligned with the most prominent and emerging topics of the ESWC conference. This year our topics are aligned with the latest developments in Linked Data and also with Big Data. We will also provide opportunities for attendees to network with their peers, the school tutors and keynotes as well as senior members of STI International and senior members of the Semantic Web community who are participate in related events. The organisation and tutorial team for this summer school have extensive experience in these types of events having organised similar events in Europe, the US and Asia over a number of years. Building from this experience, and also knowledge of pedagogy we know that learning-by-doing leads to successful learning. We also know the true value of networking in the research context and that this is best supported by an informal atmosphere coupled with an enjoyable inclusive social program. Supporting the above will be a dominant theme of the EWSC summer school and a significant portion of the school will involve hands-on sessions with the latest generation of Linked Data and Semantic Web tools. The summer school is open to anyone studying in a Semantic Web related post-graduate course or is at an early stage of a Semantic Web related career and is engaged in suitable Semantic Web activities. Places will be limited to 50 in order to ensure that all participating students receive quality time with their tutors. Accepted students will be obliged to attend the whole week. The topics and teaching processes of the School are validated by the ESWC Summer School Advisory Board [5] which contains representatives from: FORTH, ITMO University of St. Petersburg, JSI, KIT, the Open University, Oxford University, the Semantic Web Science Association, STI International, the University of Innsbruck, the University of Southampton, the University of Trento and Wonkwang University. We encourage anyone who is at an early stage of their Semantic Web career to apply our school which benefits from its close association with the conference. The ESWC summer school is supported by a number of European projects including FORGE, European Data Science Academy and also videolectures.net. John 1. http://www.euclid-project.eu/ 2. http://www.planet-data.eu/ 3. http://edsa-project.eu/ 4. http://summerschool2015.eswc-conferences.org/learning-materials/ 5. http://summerschool2015.eswc-conferences.org/advisory-board/ _________________________________________ Director Designate, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK phone: 0044 1908 653800, fax: 0044 1908 653169 email: john.domingue@open.ac.uk web: kmi.open.ac.uk/people/domingue/ President, STI International Amerlingstrasse 19/35, Austria - 1060 Vienna phone: 0043 1 23 64 002 - 16, fax: 0043 1 23 64 002-99 email: john.domingue@sti2.org web: www.sti2.org -- The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302). The Open University is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2015 09:10:47 UTC