AIDE 2015 Call for Papers

AIDE 2015  Call for Papers


 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence & Design

 September 22nd, 2015 - Ferrara, Italy

 co-located with AI*IA 2015



Design is a fundamental activity in disciplines like engineering and
architecture as well as in emerging areas of the social and life sciences.

The need for design rests on an assumption: We can improve (positively
or negatively) our products, environment, personal or social life by
consciously modifying different things like objects, processes,
relationships. Modern design approaches, i.e., the methodological
planning of what to change and how in order to obtain a certain result
turned out to be successful and, as a consequence, the world that we
inhabit is increasingly a designed rather than a natural one. In this
sense, we could even say that we live an "artificial" world. Design is a
fundamental step preceding most of our manipulation activities like
manufacturing, production, construction and implementation. Design
research aims to develop an understanding of designing both as a theory
and as an activity, and to produce models that can be used to aid design
and to improve its efficacy.

Design research can be carried out in a variety of ways. For instance,
it can be viewed largely as an empirical endeavor in which experiments
are designed and performed in order to test some hypothesis about some
phenomenon or behavior. This is the approach adopted in cognitive
science. The results of such research can form the basis of a
computational model. In a second view, design research is carried out by
positing principles (perhaps in terms of formal axioms) and then
deriving consequences from them. If the axioms can be mapped onto design
situations then the consequences will also characterize those
situations. This is the approach adopted in mathematics and logic. A
third view, and the most common one in the computational domain, is that
design research can be carried out by conjecturing design processes,
constructing computational models of those processes and then examining
the behaviors of the resulting computational systems. These are just
three important approaches for design research and, it is well known,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) extensively exploits all three of them. We
believe it is time to understand better the links between design and AI,
what are today's successful stories of their integration, and what one
research area can further offer to the other.

The AIDE workshop aims at providing a forum for researchers and
practitioners interested in the interplay between AI and design via the
presentation and discussion of state-of-the-art and cutting edge
research and developments of material that integrate these two areas.


Contributions of interest to the workshop are those describing AI
approaches that are needed, under development or being explored for
design activities in a variety of domains such as:

*    Architecture design
*    Engineering design
*    Geodesign
*    Environmental design
*    Product design
*    Software design
*    Urban and regional planning
*    Design for visual and auditory digital media (e.g., music, film,
animation, entertainment)

The organizers encourage also the submission of interdisciplinary
research across these and related domains where design plays a central role.


We solicit three kinds of contributions:

*    full papers (max 12 pages)
*    short papers (max 6 pages)
*    demo papers (max 3 pages).

Full papers are intended to describe original research. Short papers are
suitable for presenting work in progress, even if not yet mature for
publication, summaries of PhD Theses, overviews of research projects,
positions on some topic, and already published work. Demo papers are
intended to describe software systems and prototypes developed as part
of academic or industrial projects, using AI tools and/or techniques,
which will be presented at the workshop.

Papers of the three kinds will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of
the program committee. Selection will be based on relevance, clarity,
and technical quality.

Papers should be formatted according to the LNCS format (please refer to for
instructions) and submitted as PDF files via EasyChair at the following page

Accepted papers will be published online as a volume of the CEUR-WS
workshop proceeding series. We also intend to organize a journal special
issue with a selection of the best papers presented at the workshop.


Submission Deadline:  June 12th, 2015
Acceptance Notification:      July 19th, 2015
Camera Ready:   July 26th, 2015
Early Registration:          July 31st, 2015
Workshop Day:              September 22nd, 2015


Stefano Borgo
Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC CNR, Trento

Domenico Camarda
Department of Civil Engineering, Politecnico of Bari

Francesca A. Lisi (contact person:
Department of Computer Science, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”


Further information is available on the AIDE 2015 homepage:

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 19:58:50 UTC