Re: Easier SPARQL queries of ordered lists?


On 04/14/2015 11:07 AM, David Booth wrote:
> rdf:Lists are a pain for SPARQL queries, because it's hard to retain the
> list ordering when querying, even if it is possible[1].  To work around
> this problem, some list ontologies have been created[2][3], but I find
> them overly verbose for routine use.  The Jena ARQ library also has a
> feature that helps[4], but it is not standard SPARQL.

I can only agree with the need for better query notations for lists
and collections, and in fact more generally for any RDF structure based
on blank nodes.

> I'd like to propose a simpler convention that encodes each item as a
> (value index) pair, and a simple vocabulary to go with it.  For example,
> instead of writing this:
>    PREFIX : <http://example/>
>    :jane :likes (
>          "bananas"
>          "apples"
>          "oranges"
>          ) .
> each item would have an explicit index, like this:
>    PREFIX : <http://example/>
>    :jane :likes
>          ( "bananas" 0 ) ,
>          ( "apples"  1 ) ,
>          ( "oranges" 2 ) .
> which can be easily queried like this, retaining order:
>    SELECT DISTINCT ?item {
>      :jane :likes ( ?item ?index ) .
>    } ORDER BY ?index

The first thing that pops to my mind is that you could use
containers to get the same result with standard notations,
only assuming a function to get the index of the rdf:_n

# description
:jane :likes
      [ rdf:_1 "bananas" ;
        rdf:_2 "apples" ;
        rdf:_3 "oranges" ] .

# query

    :jane :likes [ ?rdf_n ?item ] .
} ORDER BY (index(?rdf_n))

However, the annoying thing with your notation and mine is that
indices have to be given explicitly, which is both tedious and
unreliable, especially when deleting and inserting elements in
lists. Ideally, the indices should come for free.

Why not imagine a "list element pattern" as an extension of SPARQL,
like the following with the obvious meaning ?

    ?item in ?list at ?index .  (or any syntactic alternative)

It would be a kind of implicit triple pattern
relating a list, an item of the list, and its position in the list.
On your example:

    :jane :likes ?list .
    ?item in ?list at ?index
} ORDER BY ?index

My two cents,

Sébastien Ferré

> References
> 1. Standard SPARQL query of rdf:List that retains list order:
> 2. Ordered List Ontology:
> 3. Collections Ontology:
> 4. Jena ARQ list:index example:

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 13:59:18 UTC