[CITIMA2014] Submission deadline extended: September 30, 2014

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First International Workshop on Computational Intelligence Techniques for
Industrial and Medical Applications

Collocated with:

SITIS 2014 - The 10h International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY &

November 23-27, 2014 - Marrakech, Morocco




** Scope of the Workshop


Computational Intelligence techniques are adopted in many industrial
applications, like visual based quality control, image enhancement in
consumer electronics, video based recognition of identity or behaviors,
audio based speech recognition for enhanced human like interaction with
machines etc. It also has a strong impact in medical applications, like
medical image enhancement, semi-automatic detection of pathologies,
pre-filtering and reconstruction of volumes from medical scans etc. Despite
this growing diffusion, there are still many possible areas where
computational intelligence application is partial or could be extended and
improved, due to the actual limitations in terms of computational power or
strict requirements in terms of assurance of the results. 

This workshop aims to investigate the impact of the adoption of advanced and
innovative Computational Intelligence techniques in industrial and medical
applications. This edition of the workshop is focused primarily on Imaging
and Multimedia based industrial and medical applications with special
emphasis to real time systems

The workshop will bring together researchers on different disciplines from
academia and industry with a common objective: go beyond the frontiers of
today industrial applications of Computational Intelligence techniques. 


Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Imaging for Industrial applications

- Computational Intelligence approaches in Consumer Electronics

- Real-time Multimedia Signal Processing

- Intelligent User Interfaces

- Virtual-augmented reality for Healthcare

- Real-time digital images & watermarking 

- Real-time signal compression and analysis 

- Spatial and temporal estimation and protection of media streams

- Learning systems for signal and information processing and evidential
reasoning for recognition

- Soft computing approaches for embedded multimedia systems

- Real time signal processing & vision 

- Expert system for embedded system 

- Color and illumination processing


** Important dates

Submission deadline: September 30, 2014 *FIRM*

Acceptance/Reject notification: October 6, 2014

Camera-ready: October 15, 2014

Author Registration: October 19, 2014

** Submission

Each submission should be at most 8 pages in total including bibliography
and well-marked appendices, and must follow the IEEE double columns
publication format.

All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression by at least two
reviewers. The organizers will examine the reviews and make final paper


** Publication

All the papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society and
referenced in IEEE Xplore Digital Library and major indexes. They will be
available at the conference.

** Registration

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop. A
single registration for the workshop or the conference allows attending both

** Program Co-Chairs

M. Anisetti Università degli studi di Milano, Italy

R. Sassi Università degli studi di Milano, Italy

V. Bellandi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

G. Jeon, Incheon National University, Korea


** Contacts





Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2014 15:04:19 UTC