Training the Trainers for Linked Data (DC-2014 Full-day Workshop)

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*Training the Trainers for Linked Data*

*Full-day Post-Conference Workshop @ DC-2014*
*Saturday, 11 October 2014 - 8:30-5:00*

  Austin, Texas, USA
  AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center (

  (*Saturday day-rate option available*)

*Workshop Abstract: *

Linked Data has gained momentum, and practitioners are eager to use its
principles to derive more value from metadata. Available handbooks and
training materials focus on an audience with a computer science background.
However, people with a non-technical education find it hard to understand
what Linked Data can mean for them. This full-day, hands-on workshop will
provide an overview of methods and case studies from the handbook "Linked
Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums" (2014, ALA/Neal-Schuman). Using
freely available tools and data, this workshop will teach you how to clean,
reconcile, enrich, and publish your metadata. Participants will learn about
concepts, methods, and tools that they can use on their own, or to teach
others within their own institutions, to get more value from metadata.

*Workshop Tutors:*

*SETH VAN HOOLAND *is an Assistant Professor at the Universit&#233; libre
de Bruxelles (ULB), where he leads the Master in Information Science. After
a career in the private sector for a digitization company, he obtained his
PhD in information science at ULB in 2009. He recently taught a special
course on linked data at the Information School of the University of
Washington. He is also active as a consultant for both public and private

*RUBEN VERBORGH* is a researcher in semantic hypermedia at Ghent University
– iMinds, Belgium, where he obtained his PhD in computer science in 2014.
He explores the connection between semantic web technologies and the web's
architectural properties, with the ultimate goal of building more
intelligent clients. Along the way, he has become fascinated by linked
data, REST/hypermedia, web APIs and related technologies. He is the
co-author of a book on OpenRefine and several publications on web-related
topics in international journals.

*Workshop Agenda:*

- 08:30: Coffee and welcome
- 09:00: Introduction - data models and the role of RDF
- 09:45: Data quality and cleaning
- 10:45: Coffee break
- 11:00: Hands-on cleaning (+ helping participants with install issues)
- 12:00: Lunch
- 1:00: Reconciliation - usage of RDF extension and LCSH endpoint
- 2:00: Named-Entity Recognition - usage of NER extension
- 3:00: Coffee break
- 3:30: Sustainable publication - REST
- 4:30 Discussion regarding learning outcomes


You can register for the Workshop using the day-rate option to DC-2014 or
join us for the full DC-2014 program at

*Don't wait, register now!* The number of people that can participate in
the Workshop is limited. This Workshop and the DC-2014 Conference cap the
second week of the Austin City Limits Music Festival ( and hotel rooms will become increasingly
scarce as the Conference dates approach.

Stuart Sutton
   DCMI Managing Director

Received on Saturday, 13 September 2014 17:16:34 UTC