ANN: XSPARQL 1.1 v20140909 release

Hi all!

We are happy to announce version 20140909 of the open source release of XSPARQL1.1!

XSPARQL [1] combines SPARQL1.1 and XQuery in a common language and allows to 
write queries to transform data between XML and RDF in an intuitive manner. 

This new version allows also to query data stored in json format, relational databases, 
providing a unified language to integrate data given as XML, RDF, JSON, or RDB.  
XSPARQL is also an RDB2RDF processor [2], allowing to use your R2RML mappings. 

The main new feature in this release is full support of SPARQL 1.1, for a full 
list of improvements and added features, see the release notes at:

The new implementation together with documentation is available on the Sourceforge 
project page [1]. You can either download a pre-compiled jar file from [1], or, 
alternatively, install instructions from source can be found at [3].

A recent tutorial containing many example queries can be found at [4]. 
Additionally, a web demo and some example are available on the XSPARQL 
homepage [5]. A summary of the features of XSPARQL will also be presented 
in this year’s ISWC Developer’s workshop in October [6].

We appreciate your feedback/comments/questions to be sent to our mailing list [7].

on behalf of the XSPARQL team,
Axel Polleres

[6] Daniele Dell'Aglio, Axel Polleres, Nuno Lopes, and Stefan Bischof. Querying the web of data with XSPARQL 1.1. 
    In ISWC2014 Developers Workshop, October 2014. To appear.

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2014 16:44:13 UTC