Re: Semweb ontology-to-ontology

An interesting approach, but surely not the right way to do it in the Semantic Web.

The way you describe is to do classic data fusion, and then use Semantic Web *technologies* (without any Webby bit!) to query the data, and possibly publish it into the Semantic Web.

The Semantic Web way is to expose the data sources as Semantic Web resources, and then the aggregation is done in the Semantic Web.
Of course, this means that the ontologies don’t align naturally, unless there is a major (probably expensive and time-consuming) standardisation activity first.
And if the ontologies are aligned, the process becomes fragile to changes in the underlying schema of the data sources, where each source then needs to modify the export process to maintain the publication schema.

Much better to do the Raw Data Now of converting the data sources into the “natural” RDF, and then have a flexible schema transformation process that helps to transform those into whatever schema(s) is currently required by the consuming application.

(We did this for some data sources in RKBExplorer, and it has been running pretty much without any schema maintenance for many years.)

I think this is more what Paul is describing.

As Dave De Roure and I have said “Let’s put the Web in Semantic Web!”


> On 10 Oct 2014, at 08:22, Rezk Martin <> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
>             I think you could use Teiid to federate your datasources, and then Ontop to expose it (or transform it) into RDF.
> Sites:
> Teiid:
> Ontop:<>
> Tutorial on Federation and Ontop
> Tutorial on Ontop
> best,
> Martin.-
> On 09 Oct 2014, at 23:28, Paul Trevithick <<>> wrote:
> I'm working on project that involves integrating data from many disparate sources into an RDF repository-based data warehouse. We plan to develop an OWL ontology for data in the repository. We plan to code up data connectors to perform ETL operations and populate the repository with RDF data that adheres to this common ontology. The data sources use various access methods, data formats and schemas.
> In the non-semweb world there are technologies that allow the "source" and the "target" schemas to be defined, that allow declarative rules to be developed (sometimes by point and click tools) the source schema to the target schemas, and code that consumes these rules and transforms the data into the target schema. In the non-webweb world our data connectors could leverage these technologies.
> Are there emerging best practices for doing the equivalent of schema mapping in semweb world? We'd like to limit our data connector code to generating RDF triples from a data source, and rely on some other technology to, given some kind of ontology-to-ontology mapping rules, transform RDF data adhering to the source ontology into RDF data adhering to the repository's target ontology.
> Paul

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Received on Friday, 10 October 2014 09:10:19 UTC