- From: Paul Houle <ontology2@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 11:28:41 -0400
- To: Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com>
- Cc: Sarven Capadisli <info@csarven.ca>, Giovanni Tummarello <g.tummarello@gmail.com>, Linking Open Data <public-lod@w3.org>, SW-forum <semantic-web@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAE__kdQOxmzU6ZymRRuVJ-bLQcNCs3HvkBeQx7GFpcB4=CoDrA@mail.gmail.com>
I think's a little more than "tax avoidance". It's more that it seems much easier for Elsevier to extort huge amounts of money than to get people to pay a little bit of money for services that are inexpensive to provision. If you take the amount that a commercial journal gets in subscription fees and divide that by the number of papers it publishes you typically get a number that is upwards of $10,000. If you look at a well-run non-profit publisher, such as the American Physical Society, it comes closer to $2000. Neither of these figures counts the unpaid work of reviewers, the editorial board, etc. When I worked at arXiv.org and divided the size of the budget by the number of papers we handled, we'd get a number more like $5 a paper. arXiv could have been quite the sustainable business if it had managed to get just 1/1000 the value per paper that commercial journal publishers get. For a long time, arXiv was able to run at Los Alamos labs but, with the Republicans in power (who tend to want to close LANL and move the weapons work to LLNL) Paul Ginsparg decided it was time to get out and he brought it to the Cornell Library. When I was involved in the mid-00's arXiv represented perhaps 4% of the budget of Cornell Library but probably delivered more value to end users than the rest of the library put together -- back then, 50,000 scientists got up every morning and looked at arXiv to see what was new in their fields and now the numbers are certainly more than that. The cost of running arXiv was much smaller than the check that the library cut yearly to Elsevier. The short story is that CUL, like most of the real jewels of Cornell, was seen as a cost center and not an opportunity center and faced intense budget screw tightening and a lot of crazy stuff happened and one side effect was that I left. After about a decade of penury and confusion, arXiv finally got a "sustainability plan" that ensures it will continue in penury https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/culpublic/arXiv+five-year+member+pledges;jsessionid=9D9BC6ABCE2A76E4FDBC615553AA828B This was all the more painful to endure because I saw so much larger amount of funding going down various black holes. For instance, there was the postdoc in the office next door who was supposed to use a supercomputer to analyze the usage log of a project that cost $2 M a year to develop, except after extracting the robots he could have printed out the logs on a line printer and done the analysis by hand (I'm not kidding about this!) Then there was the foundation that got a $20M endowment to make a handful of journals available to a handful of journals in a handful of 4th world countries. if arXiv had gotten that, it would be free papers for everyone everywhere forever. ---- I've recently developed a system for scalable RDF publishing pretty much at cost. The first round of products includes https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00KDO5IFA that offer unlimited access with no throttling since users pay for their own hardware. (Practically this means: try to use the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint or Freebase MQL = PROJECT FAILURE, use RDFeasy = IT JUST WORKS) I'm not going to accept any objections that this product is "too expensive" because at 45 cents an hour it is 5% of the cost of a minimum wage worker in the U.S. and if you are using it for R&D you probably only need to run it when that worker is working. I also think it would be hard to save money rolling it on your own if you think people's labor is worth anything at all, because it doesn't take very much screwing around to waste $200 of labor, even at grad student rates. And while I'm ranting, I'll also call your attention to this https://www.gittip.com/paulhoule/ This is a campaign where I collect money to pay my server bills. If I get more money, I can offer more services and spend more time improving things (HELPING *YOU* SUCCEED AT YOUR PROJECTS) I'm grateful to the people who are contributing, but the way things now I am spending a lot of time hustling up work (i.e. helping companies like Elsevier keep Lucene 3 installations running) rather than doing the work I can do best. Money you donate here does not go to university administration overhead, owners of San Francisco real estate, or other leeches and rent seekers. If you have an issue with :BaseKB you can talk with me and I can do something about it. If you have an issue with Freebase, go talk to the hand at the evil empire. ᐧ On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> wrote: > > -------------------------------------------- > On Wed, 7/30/14, Giovanni Tummarello <g.tummarello@gmail.com> wrote: > > So Sarvem let us be rational and pick Occam's razor style simplest > explanation ... > > By lex parsimonae (Occam's Razor) Tax Avoidance is magic. > By Bell's Theorem, Tax Avoidance is theft (of services). > Theft of Software As A Service is ... making me dizzy and diz-interested. > > > > > > -- Paul Houle Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF (607) 539 6254 paul.houle on Skype ontology2@gmail.com
Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2014 15:29:16 UTC