Call for Posters and Demos, Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data (GeoLD 2014), with SEMANTiCS 2014

CfP: Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data (GeoLD 2014), with SEMANTiCS 2014

                         Call for Posters and Demos
1st International Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data (GeoLD 2014)
   in conjunction with the annual SEMANTiCS conference

1st September 2014, Leipzig, Germany

'Geospatial technology, information, and services are addressing some of 
the major priorities of our nations, adding value to productivity, 
reducing costs and enabling GDP growth in the process.'
    Prof. Arup Dasgupta, in Geospatial World, May 2013

In recent years, Semantic Web technologies have strengthened their 
position in the areas of data and knowledge management. Standards for 
organizing and querying semantic information, such as RDF(S) and SPARQL 
are adopted by large academic communities, while corporate vendors adopt 
semantic technologies to organize, expose, exchange and retrieve their 
datasets as Linked Data. Moreover, a large number of currently available 
datasets (both RDF and conventional) contain geospatial information, 
which is of high importance in several application scenarios, e.g., 
navigation, tourism, or social media. Examples include DBpedia, 
Geonames, OSM and its RDF counterpart, LinkedGeoData. RDF stores have 
become robust and scalable enough to support volumes of billions of 
records (RDF triples) but traditional geospatial data management systems 
still significantly outperform them in efficiency and scalability. On 
the other hand, GIS systems can benefit from Linked Data principles 
(e.g. schema agility, interoperability). Recently, GeoSPARQL has emerged 
as a promising standard from OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) for 
geospatial RDF that targets the standardized geospatial RDF data 
modeling and querying. A great number of tools and libraries have been 
developed that allow for handling (storing, querying, visualizing, etc.) 
Linked Data, however only a few approaches started to focus on 
geospatial RDF data management. Integrating Semantic Web with geospatial 
data management requires the scientific community to address the two 
following challenges. First, the definition of proper standards, 
vocabularies and methodologies for representing, transforming and 
mapping geospatial information according to RDF(S) and SPARQL protocols 
that also conform to the principles of established geospatial standards. 
Second, the development of technologies for efficient storage, robust 
indexing, processing, reasoning, querying and visualization of 
semantically organized geospatial data.


The poster and demo session of the 1st International Workshop on 
Geospatial Linked Data offers an opportunity for presenting 
late-breaking research results, ongoing research projects, or demos from 
research and industry. The informal setting of the workshop should 
encourage presenters and participants to engage in discussions about the 
presented work. We invite submissions of original and previously 
unpublished research papers in the field of geospatial Linked Data 
management and usage. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Interoperability and Integration

* Geospatial Linked Data and standards (GeoSPARQL, INSPIRE, W3C, OGC)
* Extraction/transformation of geospatial Linked Data from conventional 
* Integration (schema mapping, interlinking, fusion) techniques for 
geospatial RDF data
* Enrichment of Linked Data with geospatial information
* Quality, provenance and evolution of geospatial Linked Data

Big Data Management

* Distributed solutions for geospatial Linked Data management (storing, 
querying, mapping, etc.)
* Algorithms and tools for large scale, scalable geospatial Linked Data 
* Efficient indexing and querying of geospatial Linked Data
* Geospatial-specific reasoning on RDF data
* Ranking techniques on querying geospatial RDF data
* Advanced querying capabilities on geospatial RDF data

Utilization of Geospatial Linked Data

* Geospatial Linked Data in social web platforms and applications
* Visualization models and interfaces for browsing, authoring and 
querying geospatial Linked Data
* Real world applications/use cases/paradigms using (exposing, 
utilizing) geospatial Linked Data
* Evaluation/comparison of tools/libraries/frameworks for geospatial 
Linked Data management

GeoLD will provide the opportunity for the community of Linked Data to 
focus on the emerging need for  effective and efficient production, 
management and utilization of geospatial information within Linked Data. 
Emphasis will be given on works describing novel methodologies, 
algorithms and tools that advance the current state of the art with 
respect to efficiency or effectiveness. The posters and demo session 
invites especially late-breaking, ongoing research, interesting ideas 
and scenarios, and (prototypical) software showcasing the usage of 
Geospatial Linked Data.


Authors must submit an up to 4-page extended abstract in Springer’s LNCS 
format ( for evaluation, which 
will undergo a common review process. Please submit your manuscript 
using the EasyChair online submission system:

Contributions will be selected based upon their quality as evaluated by 
2-3 referees. Accepted papers will be published on the open-access 
platform CEUR-WS. At least one author of accepted papers is required to 
register at the conference.


* Paper submission deadline: August 8th, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: August 15th, 2014
* Camera ready due: August 22nd, 2014
* Workshop date: September 1st, 2014


The Organizing Committee members and the Program Committee members are 
mentioned at

Received on Monday, 28 July 2014 14:54:29 UTC