Re: to navigate the whole network to the end of all branches and nodes by SPARQL

Hello Miguel,

Thanks for the hint.
The current semantic engine I am using does not support * or +.
I will check it on a SPARQL 1.1 platform.

Lei Xu

On 7/10/14, 7:50 PM, "Miguel" <> wrote:

>If you are using SPARQL 1.1 you can use Property Paths
>I this case the query should be:
>PREFIX rev: <>
>PREFIX pd: <>
>SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?product
>{ pd:04 ^rev:5/(rev:5/^rev:5)* ?person .
>  pd:04 (^rev:5/rev:5)* ?product .
>Anyway, there could be performance issues, so you have to check if
>this approach is actually feasible in your case.
>On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 5:33 AM, Lei Xu <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Trying to create something similar with Amazonšs recommendation list by
>> and SPARQL.
>> I have n-quad rdf like below.
>> subject:person predicate:review_score object:product
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> The query starts with a specified product ­ for example product 04.
>> Step 1. Find all the people who have reviewed this specified product as
>> score = 5.
>> Step 2. Find all the reviewed products by the people from Step 1 as
>>score =
>> 5.
>> Step 3. Find all the people who have reviewed the products from Step 2
>> score = 5.
>> ..
>> ..
>> Step n. Until no more descendants nodes.
>> Eventually I want to have a list with 2 arrays:
>> 1. All the matching products.
>> 2. All the related people.
>> Because Ešs review on product 12 only scores 4 then the branch from E
>> be excluded. So the expected result should look like this.
>> My SPARQL looks like below:
>> PREFIX rev: <>
>> PREFIX pd: <>
>> SELECT distinct ?s2 ?o2  WHERE
>> { ?s rev:5 pd:04.
>>   ?s rev:5 ?o2 .
>>   ?s2 rev:5 ?o2 .
>> }
>> And the result is like below:
>> It is different from expected. There must be something wrong with the
>> pattern. I would like to navigate all the way to the end of the network
>> certain constraints.
>> What I am looking for is a feature similar with Oracle SQLšs
>> SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function. But I do not know how to realize it with
>> Any ideas and hints will be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Lei Xu

Received on Friday, 11 July 2014 01:05:38 UTC