Deadline for applications is approaching: Knowledge extraction and information matching for profiling and linking multi-lingual open data sets at University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

#### Apologies for cross-posting ####

Deadline for applications is approaching: 7th July 2014.

University of Milan-Bicocca has an open position for a Postdoctoral
researcher in the context of the EU FP7 COMSODE Project
( The researcher will address research topics in the
field of knowledge extraction and semantic matching methods for
multi-lingual open data management.

Title of the position: "Knowledge extraction and information matching
for profiling and linking multi-lingual open data sets."

COMSODE is an SME-driven RTD project aimed at progressing the
capabilities in the field of Open Data re-use. Our concept is an
answer to barriers still present in this young area: data published by
various Open Data catalogues are poorly integrated; quality assessment
and cleansing are seldom addressed. Costs of Open Data consumption are
high and Open Data usage is still poor. COMSODE addresses these
challenges by developing components for the quality assessment and
improvement of open data, possibly published as linked open data.

The postdoctoral researcher will support the research team in the
field of linked open data, for example by investigating methods for
the semantic profiling of open data sets and the annotation and
linking of the data schemas. Data-driven methods for schema extraction
from weakly structured sources (tabular data and RDF) and for the
alignment of Linked Open schemas will be investigated in order to
support the user of the COMSODE platform to (i) publish data profiles
that express the content of the data (often available in CSV format),
so as to make the data searchable from inside the COMSODE platform,
(2) semantically annotate the schema and link the schema elements to
existing data sets, so as to make the data interlinked inside and
outside the COMSODE platform.

Research can leverage previous work carried out by the research team
at Unimib, some of which in collaboration with other international
research groups, in the field of ontology matching for linked open
data, facet extraction, cross-language link discovery, and schema
integration at large-scale.

The research will be carried out in a highly collaborative
environment: the candidate is expected to collaborate with members of
our team (faculty members, postdocs and PhD students), other COMSODE
partners, and researchers of other institutions.  The candidate is
expected to publish his/her results by co-authoring papers on topics
such as schema annotation, data profile, and data linking in
high-profile conferences and journals in the area of data management
and semantic web.

Required/desired qualifications:
Requirements for applying to the position are:
- A PhD in one of these fields: Computer Science, Computer
Engineering, Information Systems Management, Computational
Linguistics, or related topics
- Good communication and writing skills in English

Other desired (but not mandatory) requested skills are
- Excellent programming skills
- Familiarity with Linked Data and Semantic Web languages (RDF, OWL2)
- Familiarity with probabilistic models or other matching methods
- Python and shell scripting
- Previous experience with cloud infrastructure such as: Amazon EC2
and EBS, Heroku, etc.

Note that knowledge of Italian is NOT required for this position.

Salary, Start date and duration:
The salary is 32.600 euro by gross by year (approximate 2.000 euro net
by month). The position will start on September 1, 2014 and is offered
for a period of 1 year, with a possible extension subject to funding

Milan is the main industrial, commercial and financial centre of Italy
and a lively leading global city. University of Milan-Bicocca is a
young but well-established university with a strong asset in
research(it was ranked 21st in the on list of world's young
universities by Times Higher Education). The research will be carried
out at the ITIS Lab of the Department of Computer Science, Systems and
Communication, which is involved in several European and national
projects and conduct theoretical and applied research in several
fields such as Semantic Web, Information Systems and Service Science.
UniMiB offers facilities for postdoctoral researchers

As for every other equivalent position in Italy candidates have to
apply to a public competition following the instructions available at .
Please, notice that the application has to arrive at Unimib and
registered before 7th July 2014.

For any information bout this position please contact Andrea Maurino
( or Matteo Palmonari

Riccardo Porrini

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2014 09:59:39 UTC