Re: RDF vocabulary for relational algebra

* Richard Cyganiak <> [2014-01-15 08:29+0000]
> SPIN defines an RDF representation for SPARQL queries. It's SPARQL-specific though, and not as abstract as relational algebra.

The spin:Triples in the spin:ElementList have exactly three slots (s,p,o) where you'd want n.

SPIN uses an n-ary join implied by membership in a spin:ElementList (and I don't know how to nest one inside another without the full ceremony of a subquery).

If you converted the SQL operators like JOIN to an n-ary analog, you'd still have to:

- either invent some indentifier for NULL which didn't unify with itself (NULL=NULL fails in SQL, NULL doesn't exist in SPARQL) or invent your own join anyways.

- rename all of the column names so there is not intersection and implement the JOIN ON tests (e.g. JOIN ON a.c1=b.c2 AND a.c3=b.c4) as FILTERs, (or rename all column equivalences to have the same variable names and let SPARQL join do it for you).

If you roll your own, you could still use SPIN's n-ary join semantics which make all of the SPARQL graph operators be something that you can add to a join constraint vs. their usual definition as a binary tree. It would be pretty trivial to apply this to SQL operators:

    JOIN(t1, t2, MINUS(t3), OUTER(t4))
    OUTER(MINUS(JOIN(t1, t2), t3), t4)

> Richard
> [1]
> > On 15 Jan 2014, at 08:20, Miguel <> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I'm not aware of such a vocabulary but I'm interested in the problem too.
> > 
> > As a syntax to represent the SPARQL algebra (that seems to me a subset of your problem), Jena provides SSE[1].
> > SSE could be mapped to a RDF vocabulary (there is also a SSE-to-RDF mapping in [2] but it doesn't convey semantics cause everything is represented as lists).
> > 
> > Best,
> > Miguel
> > 
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > 
> > 
> >> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 5:52 AM, Paul Tyson <> wrote:
> >> Does anyone know of a published RDF vocabulary for relational algebra
> >> concepts and operators?
> >> 
> >> Use case is for abstract specification of a query, which could be cast
> >> into SQL, SPARQL, or some other RA implementation language.
> >> 
> >> Regards,
> >> --Paul
> > 


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