Re: The upcoming user interface "Dizmo" and the Semantic Web, any Ideas?

David Booth wrote:
> Cool!   I could imagine RDF being used for the metadata to describe
> the dizmos and how they connect and interact -- perhaps serialized
> as JSON-LD -- but I assume they've already decided on something for
> that.

One could even define rules, for example like

  ?A a :SemwebDizmo.
  ?A :shows ?P.
  ?P a foaf:Person.
  ?A a :FOAFDizmo

in order to influence the Dizmo's behaviour through a reasoner. But of 
course you are right, a huge part of Dizmo has already been developed, 
so these  possiblities are gone. I think exporting a description of 
Dizmo's may still be possible. Loading Dizmo's based on such a 
description should be possible too.

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 22:14:32 UTC