Re: Evaluation of ontology reuse choices in real-world scenarios

Hi Bernadette,
Many thanks for your answer. 

> Can you be a bit more specific? Are you looking for evaluation criteria?
Yes, actually I am looking for evaluation criteria. Let’s say two ontologies X and Y are built for the same domain D, without any Competency Questions (CQ). X and Y reused differently terms from other namespaces. If I was asked to run an experiment with users to evaluate (both qualitative and quantitative) those two ontologies , are they already framework to help me in this task?  
>  There is of course basic vocabulary considerations aimed at helping people review a vocabulary to evaluate its usefulness in the Best Practices document but presumably you're looking for more or something different?? [1] 

Thanks again for your advices. 


Received on Thursday, 20 February 2014 20:05:25 UTC