Re: Vocabulary for HTTP headers

On 12 Feb 2014, at 21:47, Richard Smith <> wrote:

> Is anyone aware of an existing vocabulary for expressing HTTP headers in RDF?

Tim Berners Lee uses an ontology in the tabulator for this.

As mentioned before, the ontology is much too close to the syntax
of http headers. 

I don't have time right now, but if someone can post the metadata of a graph in rdflib.js that
would help to see how it is used.

> It seems to me that many HTTP headers are just another way of expressing metadata about resources, and would map naturally to RDF predicates.  For example
>  Content-Type: image/jpeg
>  Content-Length: 514090
>  ETag: 7f4cd251e2a7b8584d686bc06454a50e6ae1aaaa
> might map to
>  @prefix http: <> .
>  <foo.jpg> http:contentType "image/jpeg" ;
>    http:contentLength 514090 ;
>    http:eTag "7f4cd251e2a7b8584d686bc06454a50e6ae1aaaa" .
> Thanks,
> Richard

Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 13 February 2014 07:02:27 UTC