Re: [Ann] WebVOWL 0.3 - Visualize your ontology on the web

Kingsley, Timothy, Sarven, Melvin, Ali,

On 22.12.2014 16:20, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> I just want the URI of the current node in the graph to be a live link 
> i.e., an exit point from the visualization tool to the actual source. 
> You offer something close to this in the side panel, but its scoped to 
> the entire ontology rather than a selected term.
> I am suggesting you make the selected node text e.g., "Tagging" an 
> HTTP URI (hyperlink) via <a href=" 
> ">Tagging</a> .
> [1] -- screenshot showing what's 
> currently offered 

The URI and link is already there! The labels in the "Selection Details" 
(e.g., "Tagging") are hyperlinks that you can click on to go to the 
actual URIs. As it does not seem to be that clear (and the hyperlink URI 
may not be properly shown in all web browsers), we already discussed to 
add further tooltips with the URIs in the GUI.

On 22.12.2014 17:26, Timothy W. Cook wrote:
> You call it the label, Protege calls it the Description and in RDF/XML 
> it is the URI fragment after the # symbol in the rdf:about attribute.  
> So, I am not exactly sure what it is supposed to be called, I call it 
> the 'name'​; for what shows up in the tooltip.  Which is exactly the 
> same thing as what is in the circle, rectangle, etc. on the page.

We display the "rdfs:label" of the elements in the language that is 
selected in the sidebar. If "IRI-based" is selected as language, the 
label is generated from the last part of the URI. The tooltips with the 
full label are helpful in cases where long labels are abbreviated in the 

> In the sidebar 'Description' I do have a dc:description inside 
> the owl:Ontology definition.  However, it doesn't display in WebVOWL.

Usually, the dc:description annotation for the ontology is shown in the 
sidebar. Here is an example where it works:

> But my question was about the possibility of displaying (in tooltip or 
> sidebar) other Dublin Core metadata for each class and property.  This 
> would be really great documentation about the ontology being viewed.

We plan to add additional elements to the selection details. Dublin Core 
is a candidate here, even though we cannot consider all possible 
vocabularies (remember that VOWL has mainly been designed for OWL and 
not for Dublin Core, SKOS, etc.). We will try to find a more generic 
approach of considering metadata in the future.

On 23.12.2014 00:17, Sarven Capadisli wrote:
> I would suggest that, either use ? and let the server trigger everything
> (which is IMO the right thing to do here, and with simpler/better
> caching possibilities), or stick to # and let JavaScript manage it all
> (as is now).
On 23.12.2014 02:53, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> The standard ? is a way of creating a "cool" URI that can be shared 
> bookmarked etc.
> The # character in HTTP is unfortunately overloaded to do a few 
> things, which often causes confusion.  Primarily linked data people 
> should be aware that the # character is a mechanism to point to linked 
> data inside a document (frag ids).  It can be used in a few other ways 
> sure, but I think in this case the motivation for hiding the query 
> from the server is not high.
> You can even let the server ignore the query string in this case and 
> just have the split function detect ('#') or ('?')

Thanks for your comments on that. We actually call the server in the 
background to process the ontology files, as we use our OWL2VOWL 
converter here that is based on Java and the OWL API.

Using '?' for the requested ontology IRI and '#' for a part of it (e.g., 
a selected class) sounds quite canonical to me. Will be an issue for the 
next WebVOWL version (but not for the next couple of days ;-) ).

On 22.12.2014 14:01, Ali ABBASSENE wrote:
> Is there any open-source version of WebVOWL ? Or any stencil of SVG files for the VOWL graphical representation ?
> Because I am planning to implement a VOWL enabled editor under the versatile modeler Oryx-editor (

I am glad to hear that. Feel free to use VOWL for your editor, which 
comes with a creative commons license.

WebVOWL is open source! It is released under the MIT license. The files 
are available at

The visual language itself (VOWL 2) is specified at . The specification contains the SVG 
code of all VOWL elements (+ style information in a separate CSS).

Just go ahead! I am looking forward to the result.


Dr. Steffen Lohmann . Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)
University of Stuttgart . Universitaetstrasse 38 . D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685-88438 .

Received on Tuesday, 23 December 2014 16:39:58 UTC