AW: vCard Ontology MD questions

> Hi Carsten, I can see the utility of having hasIndividual,
> hasOrganisation, hasLocation, and hasGroup properties for clearer
> relationships between the four vCard Kinds.
> In some respects, hasContact is a short-cut for hasRelated to a Resource
> of type "Contact".
> We could apply the same idea to the 20 relationship types [1]. Hence we
> could also have a hasAgent property, and even a hasSweetheart (my
> favourite ;-)

I see. Then I will stick to the hasRelated property. And I think my solution then will look like:

    vcard:hasAddress $addr ;
    vcard:hasEmail $email1, $email2, $email3 ;
    vcard:hasTelephone $telephone1, $telephone2, $telephone3 .
    vcard:hasRelated $contact3 .

    vcard:hasRelated $email1, $email2, $telephone1, $telephone2, $contact1, $contact2 .

    vcard:hasRole $contact1 .

    vcard:hasRole $contact2 .

    vcard:hasRole $contact3 .

    dc:description "contact1 info" ;
    vcard:role "role1" .

    dc:description "contact2 info" .
    vcard:role "role2" . 

    dc:description "contact3 info" .
    vcard:role "role3" .

Now all telephone numbers and email addresses can be queried directly for $orgOrSite and the hierarchy and the roles are also represented.



Received on Monday, 28 October 2013 11:59:47 UTC