Deadline extension, MDS2013 at KDD2013, August 11-14, 2013, Chicago

Mining Data Semantics in Information Networks (MDS'2013) Workshop
in conjunction with SIGKDD2013 (
August 11-14, 2013, Chicago, USA.

Newly Update: *Paper Submission Deadline extension: May 30, 2013**
*The best papers will be invited to submit their extensions to a top 
journal (indexed by SCI, impact factor>2).

Keynote Speakers (confirmed):
- Prof. Yang Qiang, Head of Huawei Noah's Ark Research Lab, and 
Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong 
Kong University of Science and Technology.
- Prof. Fil Menczer, Director of the Center for Complex Networks and 
Systems Research, and Professor in the School of Informatics and 
Computing, Indiana University.

Now we are living in the big data era and facing big data challenges. 
Large and complex data are generated almost everywhere and grow 
exponentially. It is becoming difficult to handle them by simply 
utilizing traditional data management and data discovery techniques. The 
workshop aims to discuss key issues and practices of mining semantics in 
large scale heterogeneous information networks. Mining semantics from 
heterogeneous networks can address several important issues, including 
(1) knowledge graph: how to efficiently and effectively extract entities 
from unstructured data, how to connect data by identifying hidden 
relationships between data, and how to from the giant knowledge graph to 
facilitate better search and provide high quality Q&A service; (2) 
semantic network behavior: how users' personalized behaviors can be 
discovered from heterogeneous networks, how users are connected via 
different types of social relationships, and what are the fundamental 
structures underlying the networks; (3) search big graph: what are 
innovative ways to search heterogeneous graph, how to handle the 
heterogeneity on edges and nodes of such graph, and how to make graph 
search efficient. The workshop will provide a forum for researchers and 
practitioners from all over the world to share information on their 
latest investigations. The broader context of the workshop can be 
related in some respects to the areas of Web Mining, Social Networks 
Analysis, Semantic Web, Information Retrieval, and Natural Language 

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
      knowledge graph construction;
      Semantic integration on entities;
      Entity extraction and entity relationship recognition;
      Semantic search over heterogeneous networks;
      Question answer system based on knowledge graphs;
      Clustering (including bi-clustering) and ranking methods for 
heterogeneous networks;
      Pattern-analysis methods (e.g., discriminative frequent pattern 
      Novel network analysis algorithms;
      New information network analysis or link mining methods;
      Mining with domain knowledge;
      Algorithms for semantic graph mining and light-weight reasoning;
      Personalized knowledge graph;
      Domain specific mining (e.g., Life Science and Health Care);
      Multi-scale semantic visualization;
      Semantic-based social network analysis and collective intelligence 
      Classification and prediction in social and information networks;
      Evolution and information diffusion in social and information 
      Anomaly detection and outlier analysis in social and information 
      Multidimensional (OLAP) analysis in social and information networks;
      Similarity search and intelligent query answering in social and 
information networks;
      link / relationship prediction and recommendation.

Important Dates

     * Submission deadline: May 30, 2013
     * Notification of acceptance: June 10, 2013
     * Final papers due: June 15, 2013

All papers submitted should have a maximum length of 8 pages and must be 
prepared using the ACM camera-ready 
template Authors are 
required to submit their papers electronically in PDF format. The 
submission website is be open soon. The best papers will be invited to 
submit their extensions to a top journal (indexed by SCI, impact factor>2).

Workshop Chairs:
Ying Ding, Indiana University, USA
Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Yizhou Sun, Northeastern University, USA
Jie Tang, Tsinghua University, China
Philip Yu, University of Illinouis Chicago, USA

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 13:49:40 UTC