Re: Turtle data-type

Yeah, it's been suggested many times - never seen it in the wild though.

If you want to use it, just define the datatype, it's not a Turtle feature per se - should work just as well in RDF/XML or whatever.

On 20 May 2013, at 16:39, Henry Story <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In Turtle there is no way of specifying a graph. But one
> could get something close by having a datatype say lang:Turtle,
> such that the value of this would be the graph resulting from 
> interpreting the content of the string to a graph.
> <member> log:semantics "<> a <>"^^lang:Turtle 
> Then Turtle could have a way to express graphs, so we could
> do some of the things N3 does with Turtle in a less elegant
> fashion while waiting for N3 to be specfied.
> Henry
> Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 21:47:33 UTC