- From: Giorgio Orsi <giorgio.orsi@cs.ox.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 09:33:36 +0100
- To: semantic-web@w3.org
- Message-ID: <5190A560.4020200@cs.ox.ac.uk>
Apologies for cross-posting. 2nd Intl Workshop on Non-Conventional Data-Access (NoCoDA) http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/nocoda13/ NoCoDA is a CIKM 2013 workshop! Aim and Scope ------------- As more and more information becomes available to a growing multitude of people, the ways of accesssing data are rapidly evolving as they must take into consideration, on one front, the kind of data available today and, on the other front, a new population of prospective users. As an example of the first front, data is scattered among very diverse sources and need to be retrieved, transformed and merged to provide valuable information, while search queries on semi- or totally un-structured data impose novel modelling and access approaches. On the second front, ranked solutions to keyword-based searches is emerging as the standard paradigm for querying data repositories, while recommendation applications tend even to anticipate user needs by automatically suggesting the information which is most appropriate to the preferences of the users and to the current situation. In addition, the availability of semantic information is increasingly exploited to better understand user intentions. This need on two opposite fronts has already originated a steadily growing set of proposals of non-conventional ways to access data while inheriting, where possible, the formidable equipment of methods, techniques and methodologies that have been produced in the database field during the last forty years. These new proposals embrace the new challenges, suggesting fresh approaches to data access that rethink fundamentally the traditional information access methods in which SQL queries are posed against a known and rigid schema over a structured database. This workshop welcomes contributions on the conceptual and semantic aspects of non-conventional methods for data access and on their practical application to modern data and knowledge management. Topics of Interest ------------------ Addressing the above challenges requires understanding the conceptual and formal aspects of non-conventional data-access as well as the practical aspects of its application in real-world scenarios. Relevant topics of the proposed workshop include, but are not limited to, the following: * Context-aware data access * Preference queries * Personalized data access * Keyword-search over databases * Provenance-aware data access * Ontology-based data access * Database summarization * Query relaxation * Approximate query-answering * Probabilistic querying * Schema-agnostic data access * Query annotation * Question answering * Natural language querying * Mobile and pervasive data access * Query Mediators * Push-based data delivery * Privacy-preserving data access Workshop Co-chairs ----------------------------------------- Giorgio Orsi (The University of Oxford) Letizia Tanca (Politecnico di Milano) Riccardo Torlone (Università di Roma Tre) Program Committee ----------------- Leopoldo Bertossi (Canada) Francois Bry (Germany) Andrea Calì (UK) Diego Calvanese (Italy) Bogdan Cautis (France) Paolo Ciaccia (Italy) Amol Deshpande (USA) George Fletcher (The Netherlands) Francesco Guerra (Italy) Christian Jensen (Denmark) Georgia Koutrika (USA) Georg Lausen (Germany) Marco Manna (Italy) Ioana Manolescu (France) Davide Martinenghi (Italy) Dan Olteanu (UK) Jan Paredaens (Belgium) Andreas Pieris (UK) Evaggelia Pitoura (Greece) Sudha Ram (USA) Mike Rosner (Malta) Timos Sellis (Australia) Kostas Stefanidis (Greece) Stijn Vansummeren (Belgium) Paper Submission ---------------- We invite submissions of research papers addressing one (or more) of the workshop topics as well as technical communications summarising previous research relevant to the workshop or providing visionary future contributions in these areas. The page limit for research papers is 10 pages while technical communications are limited to 6 pages. Both kinds of contributions must be formatted according to the ACM Conference format available at: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates. Research papers must be original and not submitted or accepted for publication in any other workshop, conference, or journal. Manuscripts not submitted in the ACM conference style or having more than 10 pages will not be reviewed and thus automatically rejected. Papers should be submitted through EasyChair at the following address: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nocoda13 Publication ----------- Accepted workshop papers will be published in the CIKM workshop proceedings, which will be printed on CD only and indexed in the ACM Digital Library, together with the main CIKM 2013 proceedings. We are planning to organize a special issue at a high-quality journal on the field with invited extended versions of selected papers. Important dates --------------- * Paper submission: June, 21st 2013 * Author notification: July, 22nd 2013 * Camera-ready papers: August, 9th 2013 * Workshop: November, 1st 2013 Contacts -------- General enquiries: nocoda13@easychair.org Deadline and submissions: torlone@dia.uniroma3.it Workshop organization: tanca@elet.polimi.it Website: giorgio.orsi@cs.ox.ac.uk -- Giorgio Orsi, Eng, PhD. Department of Computer Science The University of Oxford Wolfson Building Parks Road OX1 3QD Oxford (Oxon) United Kingdom Website: http://www.orsigiorgio.net Office: +44(0)1865-610643 Fax: +44(0)1865-273839
Received on Monday, 13 May 2013 08:34:03 UTC