Limited Places Available at the STI International Strategic Summit

Every 2 years STI International holds a Strategic Summit where around 30 researchers gather to discuss issues around the future of semantics in the near, medium and long term.
Our next event will take place in Suzdal Russia July 17th-19th 2013 and will comprise a small number of invited talks and short presentations leaving significant time for open discussion. This year’s invited speakers are: Richard Benjamins (Telefónica); Georg Gottlob (University of Oxford); and Jim Hendler (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute).
We have a limited number of places available for anyone in the community who would wish to attend. If you are interested please send an email to with the subject line “Summit 2013” stating why you would like to attend and how you might contribute to the meeting.
Please send your email by May 24th - we will reply by May 30th.
More details on the summit including the current agenda can be found at: 

The registration fee to attend is 250 Euros.
Further questions can be addressed to the email address above.
John Domingue and Sören Auer

Deputy Director, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
phone: 0044 1908 653800, fax: 0044 1908 653169
email: web:

President, STI International
Amerlingstrasse 19/35, Austria - 1060 Vienna
phone: 0043 1 23 64 002 - 16, fax: 0043 1 23 64 002-99
email:  web: 

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Received on Thursday, 9 May 2013 21:13:08 UTC