Re: A request for conference organizers and promoters

On 04/25/2013 06:35 PM, Sarven Capadisli wrote:
> Hi,
> Let me first state that, I don't know anything about organizing a
> conference nor all of the variables involved to make it successful.
> Hence, this is just a request, a proposal if you will to see your
> position on what will it take for the conference to request research
> papers submissions in Web friendly formats.
> I have the following in mind and I hope you can share your views on it
> publicly. For the final submission:
> * Accept a document in XHTML+RDFa (+ other technologies) as well as in PDF.
> * Same as above, while the print stylesheet conforms to desired
> presentation (e.g., ACM, LNCS)
> * Like above, but a public URL of the document. For example, a link to
> the research, which may be along the lines of a blog post.
> Needless to say at this point, if I'm not getting ahead of myself, many
> agree that something along the lines of HTML+RDFa would be ideal but we
> perceive there are some difficulties to get there. Until the perception
> and the solutions is ironed out e.g., [1], we can still work towards it
> any way.
> I would like to know whether you can at least allow Web friendly formats
> from here on end. A shift in that direction would be invaluable IMHO.
> Thanks,
> [1]

Happy to report that another event joins this effort from ISWC. 
"(X)HTML(+RDFa) submissions are also welcome as soon as the layout 
complies with the LNCS style", SemStats at ISWC 2013 [1].



Received on Monday, 6 May 2013 11:33:46 UTC