Re: SW Graphical Notation

Dear all,
I agree with Peter's statement. Regarding graphical notations, I would like to call everybody's attention to the work of Daniel Moody [1], an excellent work setting the foundations of why, what and how graphical notations can be helpful. It should certainly be taken into account if such a notation should be proposed, but I also agree that at the current stage it is still more a research problem than a standardization problem.

[1] Daniel L. Moody: The “Physics” of Notations: Toward a Scientific Basis for Constructing Visual Notations in Software Engineering. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 35(6): 756-779 (2009). Pdf at

On Jun 28, 2013, at 01:39  - 28/06/13, "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <> wrote:

> I'm having trouble understanding the purpose of having a common/accepted visual representation of an ontology.  Would this representation help in standardizing ontologies?  Would it help in transmitting ontologies?  Would tools be required to consume it?
> This is not to say that there is not a pressing need for more ontology visualization tools.  On the contrary, every time I look at ontologies of any size, I become depressed at how bad ontology visualization tools are.  (Of course, what I want is to see just what I need to see, arranged in just the way that makes it easiest for me to understand aspects of the ontology that I understand.)  This seems to point out a need for research, not standardization, however.
> Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> On Jun 27, 2013, at 8:39 PM, Renato Iannella <> wrote:
>> RDF/OWL have well-defined technical encodings (xml, turtle, etc) but there is no such common/accepted representation for a graphical notation.
>> That is, a visual representation of an ontology that captures (graphically) all the semantics of RDF/OWL.
>> I have collected a few examples of various graphical notations here:
>> Is there any interest from members of the SWIG to look at this in more detail, and potentially propose such graphical notation for RDF/OWL?
>> (This could be via this IG or a new Community Group.)
>> Cheers...
>> Renato Iannella
>> Semantic Identity
>> Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206


Received on Friday, 28 June 2013 17:36:48 UTC