Several fully funded Doctoral Researchers & one PostDoc

Several fully funded Doctoral Researchers & one Postdoctoral Researcher position @ Institute AIFB, KIT, Germany. Researchers are hired as scientific staff, for two years, with renewal possible.

Position 1

Connected to an upcoming European project, which aims at machine learning of cross-modal knowledge representations from audio, video and text, the researcher might be dedicated to:
* Distributional semantics of different modalities
* Cross-media retrieval and annotation
* Latent representations of multi-modal data

Position 2

Connected to the European XLike project, which aims at machine learning of a cross-lingual knowledge representation from multilingual news texts, the researcher might be dedicated to:
* Semantic parsing of text from social media
* Semantic annotation of statements from multilingual text
* Inducing cross-lingual latent representations

Position 3

Connected to an upcoming European research project, which aims at developing large scale adaptive methods to enable pervasive modeling, monitoring, and predicting of events from sensors and social media, the researcher might be dedicated to:
* Semantic enrichment of data from sensors and different modalities
* Learning and inference in dynamic probabilistic models of object-relational domains
* Large-scale distributed learning and anytime response algorithms

Position 4

Connected to an upcoming European research project, which aims at machine learning of an ontology in the nano-technology domain, the researcher might be dedicated to:
* Indexing and monitoring nanotechnology-related text resources
* Semantic text annotation and ontology learning
* Open information extraction and semantic parsing


For detailed information concerning skills, application documents and the application procedure, see

Achim Rettinger
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Received on Thursday, 25 July 2013 16:48:30 UTC