Akamu 0.7 released

Akamu [1] has been updated to version 0.7.  It is a suite of XML Filesystem 
and RDF dataset management tools and XSLT libraries for Web applications 
and services <https://code.google.com/p/akamu/>.  The most straightforward 
conceptual analogy for this framework is Ruby on Rails, but based on 
Python, XML, and RDF

The major changes include:

- Refactoring and update of the HTTP caching and related libraries to 
synchronize with recent (major) changes to wheezy APIs
- added requires_authority decorator of service to indicate that 
authentication is required and cause 401 response if there is none (see: 

Most of the documentation has been updated, clarified, and expanded and a 
new wiki was added that covers common architectural and usage patterns:


Please report any issues to the Google Code issue tracker.

Akamu has been updated in the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed 
as described on the front page and in the tutorial.  A more detailed 
changelog is below


- added kwdArgumentsToDel keyword argument to xslt_rest decorator for use 
in ignoring / removing query string such as '_'
- added (boolean) etag_result to xslt_rest decorator for use with wheezy 
caching to set etag headers to SHA1 hash of result tree
- complete refactoring of WheezyCachingAdapterSetup and related libraries 
to bring in synch with recent (semi-major) changes to wheezy APIs
- major fixes to wheezy cache dependency wiring and invalidation
- WheezyCachingAdapterSetup now takes cache_location keyword argument 
    (see: http://pythonhosted.org/wheezy.http/userguide.html#cache-location)
- WheezyCachingAdapterSetup takes max_age argument for use with cache policy
- dependency keword is now static_dependency and now takes a list
    ('wheezy.http.cache_dependency' environment must be list as well)    
- removed RepozeWrapper and WheezyRepozeWrapper from akamu.security.repoze 
(needs to be in akara module)
- added requires_authority to akamu.security.repoze
- bumped version number and version numbers of wheezy libraries

[1] https://code.google.com/p/akamu

-- Chime Ogbuji

Received on Sunday, 21 July 2013 15:23:27 UTC