On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas <
kontokostas@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
> Maybe I get this wrong but I think that your suggestion is for aesthetics
> reasons only.
No, some people at least think this has to do with standards and semantics,
not aesthetics. Originally hashless URLs (URIs, UDIs, etc) named documents,
and later "[web] resources". Some people, including at least one of the
originators of the semantic web idea, do not accept altering the meaning of
hashless URIs relative to what IETF would say and would prefer the use of
hash URIs in RDF (where something other than a web resource is being named).
No point in reopening this discussion now, it's an annoying 11-year-old
discussion about which everything that might be said has been, just do a
web search for 'httpRange-14'