Preliminary CfP: UMAP 2013 - 21st International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization

--------------------- Preliminary Call for Papers ---------------------


                             UMAP 2013

                    21st International Conference 

           on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization

                          June 10-14, 2013

                            Rome, Italy





The International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and
Personalization (UMAP) is the premier international conference for
researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to their
individual users, or to groups of users, and collect and represent
information about users for this purpose. UMAP is the successor to the

biennial User Modeling and Adaptive Hypermedia conferences that were merged
in 2009. It is organized under the auspices of User Modeling Inc. The
conference spans a wide scope of topics related to user modeling and
personalization, including construction of user models, adaptive responses,
tailoring of search results, recommending products,

Web usage mining, collaborative and content-based filtering. Please see the
more detailed listing of conference topics below.


As the combination of the two leading conference series in this area, UMAP
is now the single “place to be” for anyone involved in user modeling,
adaptation, and personalization. The conference proceedings will be widely
available in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Moreover, they will be included in the ACM Digital Library. These sources
will be the first place that people look to find the latest results in this
area. The Conference will include invited talks from leading researchers in
the field, research presentations (long papers, short papers, and posters),
industry papers, demos, tutorials, and workshops as well as a Doctoral

Consortium. Accepted papers are eligible for the Springer Best Paper Award.
In addition, UMAP provides student support and full papers with a student as
the first author are eligible for the James Chen Award for the best student


UMAP solicits submissions on a wide range of topics including, but not
limited to:


* Purposes of UMAP

  - Personalizing information

  - Recommending products

  - Tailoring search results

  - Enhancing learning outcomes

  - Adapting interfaces

  - Personalizing support

  - Assuming routine tasks


* User Characteristics for UMAP

  - Knowledge and skills

  - Interests and preferences

  - Special needs

  - Affective states

  - Personality

  - Goals and plans

  - Contexts of use

  - Roles

  - Cultural characteristics


* Computational methods for UMAP

  - Data collection

  - User model construction and representation

  - Algorithms for personalization and adaptation

  - Architectures for UMAP


* Application domains for UMAP

  - E-commerce

  - E-learning

  - Cultural heritage

  - Healthcare

  - Assistive technologies

  - Digital libraries

  - Entertainment and Games

  - Office work

  - Recommender systems

  - Targeted advertisement

  - Digital TV

  - Social media


* Environments for UMAP

  - Web-based systems (including the semantic/social Web)

  - Desktop systems

  - Groupware systems

  - Mobile and wearable systems

  - Smart environments

  - Smart objects

  - Virtual environments


* Methods for design and evaluation of UMAP

  - Requirements gathering

  - Formative evaluation

  - User testing

  - Validation

  - Performance tests


* Usability issues for UMAP

  - Ensuring adequate control, understanding, and predictability

  - Preserving privacy and security

  - Avoiding excessive narrowing of experience






December 10, 2012   Workshop proposals

January 7, 2013     Abstract submission (requested but not obligatory)

January 14, 2013    Research paper submissions (long and short papers)

January 14, 2013    Industry track submissions

March 1, 2013       Author notification

March 8, 2013       Doctoral Consortium submissions

March 8, 2013       Poster submissions (for publication in the proceedings)

April 15, 2013      Final versions of papers for proceedings

May 1, 2013         Late-breaking poster submissions

June 10, 2013       UMAP conference






*** Long research papers (12 pages maximum) should present original reports
of substantive new research. They should place the work within the field,
and clearly indicate its innovative aspects and its significance.


*** Short research papers should present original and unpublished highly
promising research, whose merit will be assessed in terms of originality and
importance rather than maturity and technical validation.


*** Industry Track submissions should present innovative commercial
implementations or applications of UMAP technologies, and experience in
applying recent research advances to practical situations. Submissions may
be either long papers (12 pages maximum) whose technical density should be
comparable to that of long research track submissions, or short papers (6
pages). Industry Track submissions must describe work performed in industry
or concern industrial applications, and will typically include at least one
industry author.


*** Doctoral Consortium papers (4 pages) should include original and
unpublished descriptions of the student's topic, proposed contributions, and
results achieved so far. They should clearly indicate the work that remains
to be done and the questions on which the student would especially like to
receive advice.


*** Poster submissions posters (3 pages) should be original and unpublished
accounts of innovative research ideas, projects, or results. They should be
accompanied by a draft poster of up to 9 slides or a single slide of about
24"x36" / ISO A1. Posters (except for late-breaking posters) will be
allocated 3 pages in the main proceedings.


All submissions will be rigorously reviewed by a program committee comprised
of experts in the field and must adhere to the Springer LNCS format, and be
made through the EasyChair conference system. They will be reviewed for
relevance, originality, significance, validity and clarity.






Accepted research, industry, poster and doctoral consortium papers will be
published by Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
series, both in hardcopy and electronically through SpringerLink. They will
also be indexed in the ACM Digital Library. Accepted descriptions of
demonstrations, workshops and tutorials will be published in the UMAP
Adjunct Proceedings. Significantly enhanced versions of research papers can
be submitted to User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of
Personalization Research (UMUAI) after the conference.






* General Co-Chairs:

  - Alessandro Micarelli, Roma Tre University, Italy

  - Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy


* Program Co-Chairs:

  - Sandra Carberry, University of Delaware, USA

  - Stephan Weibelzahl, National College of Ireland, Ireland


* Industry Track Co-Chairs:

  - Alejandro Jaimes, Yahoo! Research, Spain

  - Michael Pazzani, University of California Riverside, USA


* Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs:

  - Marco de Gemmis, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

  - Stephanie Elzer-Schwartz, Millersville University, USA


* Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs:

  - Shlomo Berkovsky, NICTA, Australia

  - Pasquale Lops, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy


* Poster and Demo Co-Chairs:

  - Eelco Herder, L3S, Germany

  - Olga Santos, aDeNu UNED, Spain


* Local Arrangements Co-Chairs:

  - Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University, Italy

  - Giuseppe Sansonetti, Roma Tre University, Italy


* Student Volunteers:

  - Carla Limongelli, Roma Tre University, Italy


* Publicity Chair:

  - Ivan Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2012 11:13:52 UTC