[CAISE 2013/CALL FOR TUTORIALS] - 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Valencia, Spain

***** CAISE 2013 *****

25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
June 17-21 2013, Valencia, Spain


CAiSE’13 invites proposals for tutorials in technical areas of Information
Systems engineering. These mini-tutorials will be 90 minutes long and
should aim at offering new insights, knowledge, and skills to managers,
teachers, researchers, and students seeking to gain a better understanding
of the state-of-the-art in Information Systems engineering. They are a good
way to get a broad overview of multiple topics in a single day.
Tutorials are intended to provide independent instruction on a topic of
relevance. Therefore, no commercial or sales-oriented presentations will be
accepted. Potential presenters should keep in mind that there may be quite
a varied audience, including novice graduate students, seasoned
practitioners, and specialized researchers. Tutorial speakers should be
prepared to cope with this diversity.
Tutorials will be organized in parallel with the technical sessions of the
main conference and participants of the conference will have free access to
all them.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted to both Tutorial Chairs. Prior
contact with the tutorial chairs is encouraged. The tutorial committee will
review each proposal and will select quality proposals that fit the
criteria mentioned above. Each tutorial proposal will be evaluated on its
anticipated benefit for prospective participants and its fit within the
tutorial program as a whole. Factors to be considered also include:
relevance, timeliness, importance, and audience appeal; effectiveness of
teaching methods; and past experience and qualifications of the instructors.

• 14th December 2013 : Deadline for submission of mini-tutorial proposals
• 17th February 2013 : Notification of tutorial acceptance
• 17-21th June 2013 : Tutorials (schedule TBA)

Detailed instructions for tutorial proposers

The proposal (length up to 1500 words) should cover the following points:
• Title
• Presenters
• Affiliation
• Goal and Objectives: The overall goal of the tutorial and the concrete
objectives to be achieved.
• Scope: Intended audience, level (basic or advanced), and prerequisites.
• Teaching Method: The teaching method(s) that you will use in your
mini-tutorial. Please specify the technology requirements for presentation
(overhead transparency projector, pc projector, etc.)
• Structure of Contents: Here you should provide a structured overview of
your planned mini-tutorial, organized into numbered sections and
sub-sections. For each sub-section, you should sketch its contents in a few
sentences or bullets.
• References: Provide references to papers, books, etc. where your tutorial
builds on. Please specify previous venues at which this mini-tutorial has
been presented.
• Sample Slides: Prepare 3 sample slides from the presentation that you
would give if your mini-tutorial were accepted. Select slides that are
typical for your presentation style. These slides have to be submitted in a
separate PDF file.


Services provided by CAiSE

• Publication of an abstract of the mini-tutorial in the LNCS proceedings.
• Tutorials will benefit from the local organisational infrastructure.

Tutorial Chairs

Giancarlo Guizzardi
Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil
Phone: +55 27 98489472
Email: gguizzardi<at>inf.ufes.br

Ernest Teniente
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Phone: +34 934 137 896
Email: teniente<at>essi.upc.edu

Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 19:56:49 UTC