On 5/18/12 6:33 PM, Enrique Pérez Arnaud wrote:
> 2012/5/18 Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com
> <mailto:kidehen@openlinksw.com>>
> On 5/18/12 1:41 PM, Eric Franzon wrote:
>> Although, really, if TimBL doesn't yet see anything as he just
>> reported, that may shoot the "influence" hypothesis right out of
>> the water. ;)
> Quite the contrary, you over simplify :-) That's a little more
> inline with my theory i.e., release the service via nodes that
> will celebrate rather that scrutinize etc..
> I'm not sure I understand you correctly. I'm nobody, and I get the
> results.
Are you sure you are nobody? Personally, I don't think its possible to
be nobody.
You have at least one digital identity expressible in graph form. That's
always been the case.
> Am I more likely to celebrate? It is almost the same as the regular
> results... You need to know how much effort it is consuming to get the
> same results to really appreciate it };-)
I do know how much effort goes into it and can produce much better
results with fewer computers. What you won't see is the page prettiness
because in our case we believe data (linked data graph) and information
(pretty pages) should be loosely coupled on the Web, so we've focused on
producing an engine that can tackle the data query handling challenges.
> --
> Enrique Pérez Arnaud
> enriquepablo@gmail.com <mailto:enriquepablo@gmail.com>
> http://npl.readthedocs.org
Kingsley Idehen
Founder& CEO
OpenLink Software
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