Re: PageRank approaches

Michael Brunnbauer wrote:
> hi all
> there has been some work on applying Page Rank algorithms onto the semantic
> web in the past. Most approaches seem to rank semantic web entities by
> considering the probability to get to a specific entity - or node - while 
> following the edges of the RDF graph.
> I wonder if an approach of ranking a semantic web document by the probability
> to stumble upon it while dereferencing URIs (follow your nose) is feasible or
> has been tried. In this approach, every URI of every triple in a semantic
> web document will be considered a link to another document (which can contain
> triples and therefor further outgoing links - or not).

Well surely the answer will be different for every person/agent in 
relation to whatever question they may be asking.

What is it that you are trying to accomplish, and what has led you to 
considering a Ranking approach?

Best, Nathan

> Maybe a problem with this idea is the notion of a "semantic web document" as 
> many datasets are not centered around documents but around a triple store and 
> documents are generated using DESCRIBE queries.
> This approach also seems to favor ontologies but there are probably use cases
> where this is good (choosing a triple subset for reasoning, for example). 
> The vast number of links may also be a problem in computation.
> A semantic web document rank also imposes rank measurements for single 
> triples: The combined rank of all documents containing a speficic triple may 
> be a credibility measure for this triple and the combined rank of the S, P 
> and O documents (excluding literals and blank nodes of course) may be a 
> measure of it's relevance.
> As all of these ideas are quite obvious I wonder where the problems lie.
> Regards,
> Michael Brunnbauer

Received on Friday, 11 May 2012 14:04:06 UTC