ICPW 2012 at RuleML 2012@ECAI

**** Submission Deadline extended – Deadline April 15th ******

WE INVITE YOU as a researcher or practitioner working on Pragmatic Web
challenges to join the special Pragmatic Web track at RuleML 2012 @ ECAI
share your work, and to come and find out what others are doing. This is an
emerging network of people exploring the intersection of established
intellectual traditions and the fast changing Web: come and help shape the



7th AIS SigPrag International Conference on Pragmatic Web (ICPW 2012)


at 6th International Symposium on Rules @ ECAI 2012 (RuleML2012)

Montpellier, France

August 27-29, 2012



The conference track on PRAGMATIC WEB is part of RuleML-2012 and centred on
the study of pragmatics in the Semantic Web. That is, it draws attention to
how communicative actions are performed by agents via Web media and
illuminates how mutual understanding and commitments to actions can evolve
in (agent) conversations. This year the Pragmatic Web conference track has a
special focus on the applications of rule-based technologies and AI agent
technologies for the Pragmatic Web. Topics of Interest include one or more
of the following topics (but are not limited to):




We invite high-quality submissions related to (but not limited to) one or

of the following topics:

* Rule-Based Distributed/Multi-Agent Systems
* Rules, Agents and Norms
* Rule-Based Communication, Dialogue and Argumentation Models
* Vocabularies / ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech
acts, deontic primitives)
* Pragmatic Web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule

Important Dates


Paper submission: April 15, 2012

Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 27, 2012

Camera-ready copy due: June 10, 2012

RuleML-2012 dates: August 27-29, 2012


Accepted papers will be published in the RuleML Springer LNCS proceedings




Pragmatic Web Conference Chairs


Adrian Paschke, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany 

Hans Weigand, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
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Received on Friday, 30 March 2012 07:49:30 UTC