- From: Ademar Aguiar [FEUP] <ademar.aguiar@fe.up.pt>
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 11:10:33 +0000
- To: SPLASH'12 Call for Workshops <workshops@splashcon.org>
************************************************************** Call for Workshops - Due April 13, 2012 SPLASH’12 WORKSHOPS as part of ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH’12) Tucson, Arizona October 19-26, 2012 http://www.splashcon.org http://twitter.com/splashcon http://www.facebook.com/SPLASHCon Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN ************************************************************** Workshops are all about sharing, exchanging, discussing, and networking to mature new and exciting ideas, and help you on starting new collaborations and communities - whether you are seeking research partners, projects, or practitioners. SPLASH workshops are a great way to improve your knowledge and expand your professional network. The high interactivity of SPLASH workshops provides a creative and collaborative environment to discuss and solve challenging problems related to emerging technologies and research areas with attendees from all over the world. SPLASH workshops complement the OOPSLA, DLS, Onward! and Wavefront tracks of the conference, and provide an opportunity to lead informal, hands-on, or more technical sessions that may possibly result in formal proceedings. ## Submissions summary * Due on: April 13, 2012 * Notifications: May 08, 2012 * Camera-ready copy due: June 08, 2012 * Format: ACM Proceedings format * Contacts: Ademar Aguiar and Ulrik Pagh Schultz (chairs) * Email: workshops@splashcon.org ## Topics The topics and the format of the workshops is open-ended. For example, workshops may provide an opportunity for people working in a particular area to coordinate efforts and to establish a collective plan of action, to collaborate on a book, to seek research contributions, to learn cutting-edge software development techniques, or to discuss and share ideas on a hot new language, environment, or topic. In the last 25 years of OOPSLA/SPLASH, workshops have played an important role in addressing seminal topics that led to significant advances, especially during their formative stages, namely UML, Eclipse, distributed objects, agile software development, new programming languages, and patterns, to mention a few. Today, the software world is moving forward at an accelerating pace and the changes in the next 5 years are expected to be more dramatic than in the last 25. Explosive new technologies have created many challenging problems - technical, cultural and organizational - that must be solved to support the next generation of software design and development. We encourage proposals for innovative, well-focused workshops from a broad spectrum of topics. If there is a topic relevant to SPLASH that you feel passionate about - and you want to connect with others who have similar interests - you should consider submitting a proposal to organize a workshop! ## SPLASH Workshops SPLASH is the successor to the OOPSLA conference that has taken place annually since 1986. The new name is SPLASH, an acronym for Systems, Programming, Languages, Applications: Software for Humanity. It has three tracks, called OOPSLA, Wavefront, and Onward!. There are many co-located conferences, generally including the Dynamic Languages Symposium, Generative Programming and Component Engineering, Pattern Languages of Programming, as well as symposia for doctoral students and educators. SPLASH 2012 workshops are organized into three different tracks according to their topic: * OOPSLA workshops are at the frontier software construction and delivery. They are open to all factions of programming technologies, and is the place where groups work together to develop new ideas in programming languages and software engineering. * Onward! workshops are located a day's ride past the frontier. They are where groups can explore uncharted ideas. They are an ideal base for intellectual insurrections. Workshops proposals are welcome on all topics related to software and programming, especially topics unacceptable at mainstream Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Programming Languages conferences. * Wavefront workshops are about contemporary approaches to develop the systems that software developers are creating and deploying today. They are active, hands-on events managed by experts, designed to help software professionals to rapidly come up to speed on a specific technology or methodology. Workshop organizers may decide their preferred format. ## Submissions SPLASH workshop proposals should be limited to 5 pages (in the ACM Proceedings format) and submitted through the SPLASH submission system. You may find detailed guidelines on how to prepare a successful SPLASH workshop proposal at SPLASH'12 web pages. ## Proceedings Workshops that result in academic papers and that implement an appropriate selection process may be archived as formal proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. ## Workshops Committee * Bill Opdyke, JPMorgan Chase, USA * Dave Thomas, Bedarra Research Labs, USA * Eric Van Wyk, University of Minnesota, USA * Erik Ernst, Aarhus University, Denmark * Jamie Douglass, Boeing, USA * Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA * Jonathan Sprinkle, University of Arizona, USA * Pascal Costanza, Intel, Belgium * Paulo Borba, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil * Robert Hirschfeld, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany * Ademar Aguiar, Universidade do Porto, Portugal (chair) * Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Univ. Southern Denmark, Denmark (chair) ## For more Information For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the Workshops Chairs, Ademar Aguiar and Ulrik Pagh Schultz, at workshops@splashcon.org, or the web site at http://splashcon.org/2012/cfp/due-april-13-2012/389-workshops
Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 11:11:06 UTC