Re: Fwd: sparql querying on property reified shortcut triples

Hi Rob,

I'm subscribed to the swig mailing list. However, I do rarely have time 
for reading it ;) (... so thanks for forwarding this e-mail to me).

For now I can only give you a short answer:

Please have a look at [1]. As it is described in section [2] (nearly in 
the end of this section), you can utilise SPIN [3] for described these 
mapping rules. Please have a look at [5] for the the 'property 
reification' rule and [6] for the complement, the 'shortcut relation' 
rule. Furthermore, you have to fill your reasoning engine with your 
specific property reification definitions, see [7] for example 
definitions for CCO.
So far I'm not aware of any inbuilt implementation of PRV in any common 
triple store/reasoning engine. However, you should be able to add it 
manually in a proper triple store/reasoning engine, e.g., Virtuoso.

I hope that I could help you a bit so far. If you have further 
questions, don't hesitate to ask them.




On 06/08/2012 02:38 PM, Rob Stewart wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I've emailed the semant-web W3C mailing list regarding property
> reification. If you do not subscribe to that list, then you may be
> interested in my query (you've been helpful to me in the past w.r.t.
> CCO).
> Best,
> --
> Rob
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Rob Stewart<>
> Date: 8 June 2012 12:34
> Subject: sparql querying on property reified shortcut triples
> To:
> Hi,
> I have a question regarding the inference of shortcut triples using
> RDF property reification. It is a pragmatic one, on the software tools
> that support rule based shortcut property inference.
> I'm referring mainly to this page [1]. The N3 rule implementation
> looks nice [2].
> On this wiki page, there are no comment on actually how to run these
> rules against reified RDF data.. specifically a list on the rule-based
> engines that'd work well with the N3 example that you give.
> Perhaps there is another wiki page elsewhere that describes in
> practical terms how to run these rules against RDF.. or perhaps even
> how to plug these rules into on-the-fly SPARQL querying of some kind.
> It'd be excellent to have such a rules triggered by a SPARQL SELECT
> query that matches on the triples where the shortcut property is
> matched.
> Could you perhaps comment on:
> - Rule-based reasoning engines that'd run the rules shown at [2]?
> - Software tools that simplify that process?
> - The feasibility of plugging the rules in [2] into a SPARQL endpoint
> for on-the-fly property shortcut reasoning?
> [1] -
> [2] -
> Best,
> --
> Rob Stewart


Bob Ferris



Received on Friday, 8 June 2012 12:56:41 UTC