- From: Michal Laclavik <laclavik.ui@savba.sk>
- Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 11:10:48 +0100
- To: semantic-web@w3.org
****************************************************************** *Messaging and Web of Data: Private meets Public (and vice-versa)* ****************************************************************** International Workshop in conjunction with the 21st World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2012) April 16 (afternoon), 2012 - Lyon, France http://email2012.ui.sav.sk/ *Important Dates* Submission Deadline: February 5, 2012 Acceptance notification: March 4, 2012 Camera-ready submission: March 15, 2012 Workshop date: April 16, 2012 *Workshop objective and goals* The growing amount of public available data on the WWW is a new opportunity to improve Messaging systems (e.g. Email, Social Media, Instant Messaging) in multiple forms, such as messages content, processing (classification, etc.) and presentation. This workshop is dedicated to explore how public web data, such as identities, agendas, LinkedData, social networks or various information published on the web can meet private messaging data (semi-structured headers, information extracted from emails, footers such as signatures, etc.) to bring new insight for users, and prevent error or abuse. Reciprocally, messages can become public (think about public email archives, leaked email datasets, Twitter timelines, etc.), but sometimes to implement web standards to be efficiently identified, distributed and linked. This private/public duality and versality, applied to messages in general (and especially to email), is the basis of this workshop, which goes beyond technical aspects and aims at exploring impacts on users' practices, interfaces and trust. In this workshop edition, we want to particularly explore 1) how to preserve privacy in the context strictly private messages (Email, Direct Messages) and public data (such as open linked data) by minimizing information disclosure, and 2) the integration of social media (Twitter, Facebook) with conventional messaging systems (Email, forums) in an everyday use, and its impact on data acquisation and organisation. *Topics* Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Archives exploration and analysis: Email mailing lists, web archives, structured datasets, email archives as knowledge base or business intelligence data source. - Usage studies: usage patterns, behaviors, information overload. - Technical impact: infrastructures, protocols stacks. - Web standards: embedding web standards in messages, semantics, microformats, LinkedData and its integration and use in messages. - Conversations: quotes, threads, sentiment/discourse/opinion analysis, dialog analysis, conversation graph. - Social: identities, institution and individual reputation, folksonomies, collaboration and social media integration. - HCI and visualization: interfaces, novel interactions, visual analysis,recommendation. - Natural Language Processing: applications of NLP technologies, message understanding, topic modeling, message summarization. - Information Extraction: methods and techniques to extract sensitive/personal information from email, entities disambiguation and coreferences. - Interactions on the Web: instant messaging, RSS feeds, blogging, social network, tweets. - Security and privacy issues: usable privacy, trust, phishing, abuse. *Paper format and submission* Submissions should report new (unpublished) research results or ongoing research. Submissions can be 3-4 pages for short position/experience papers, posters and interactive demos. 6-8 pages for full research papers. Papers must be in English and must be submitted as PDF files. Papers should be formatted in double-column ACM SIG proceedings format (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates for LaTeX, use "Option 2"). The submission website is open: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=email2012 The best paper (extended version) will be published in Journal of Computing and Informatics (CAI) http://www.cai.sk/ *Workshop chairs* Romain Vuillemot, INRIA, Paris, France (romain.vuillemot@inria.fr) Michal Laclavik, IISAS, Slovakia (michal.laclavik@savba.sk) Vitor R. Carvalho, Intelius, USA (vitor@cs.cmu.edu) *Program Committee* D. Sculley, Google Research, USA Ian Smith, Everbread, UK Diana Maynard, NLP Group, University of Sheffield, UK Andrew Lampert, Palantir Technologies, Australia David Ascher, Mozilla Messaging, USA Uwe Riss, SAP Research, Germany Thomas Burkhart, IWI DFKI, Germany Simon Scerri, DERI, Ireland Nicolas Ducheneaut, PARC, USA John Tang, Microsoft Research, USA Mark Dredze, Johns Hopkins University, USA Gaëlle Recourcé, Kwaga, France *Previous Editions* -NextMail'11 - First International Workshop on Next Trends in Email (NextMail'11) http://nextmail11.liris.cnrs.fr/ -1st International Workshop on Emails in e-Commerce and Enterprise Context (E3C) http://conference.ui.sav.sk/E3C2009/ -AAAI Workshop on Enhanced Messaging (EMAIL-2008) https://sites.google.com/site/enhancedmessagingworkshop/
Received on Friday, 20 January 2012 10:11:17 UTC