Re: Well Behaved RDF - Taming Blank Nodes, etc.

On 12/18/2012 10:23 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
>>>>>> Lee Feigenbaum <> writes:
> […]
>   > So... I'm stuck having to do follow-on queries like:
>   > SELECT ?p ?o { :Lee :satNextTo [ ?p ?o ] }
>   > which are more complicated to author, potentially more complicated to
>   > execute, and not nearly as precise in the face of multiple people
>   > sitting next to Lee.
>   > So, can you help me understand what I'm missing, please?
>  Somehow, I feel that it would all get much more complicated
>  should there be multiple data sources involved.  Consider,
>  e. g.:
> ### a.turtle  -*- Turtle -*-
> :Lee :satNextTo <,2012-12-18/x50d0888e> .
> <,2012-12-18/x50d0888e>
>      a ex:Person ;
>      :zipCode "02111" ; :gender "male" ; :dob "1978-12-13" .
> ### a.turtle ends here
> ### b.turtle  -*- Turtle -*-
> :Lee :satNextTo <,2012-12-18:x50d08896> .
> <,2012-12-18/x50d08896>
>      a ex:Person ;
>      :zipCode "02111" ; :gender "male" ; :dob "1978-12-13" .
> ### b.turtle ends here
>  This way, one may easily end up with hundreds of URI's, each
>  naming one and the only person which was unfortunate enough to
>  sit next to our Lee.
>  … And don't forget about all the owl:sameAs arcs necessary to
>  manage this crowd!

OK, sure. Why is having hundreds of URIs for this person any worse than 
having hundreds of distinct blank nodes?


Received on Tuesday, 18 December 2012 15:34:35 UTC