Re: Why do we name nodes and not edges?

On 2012-07-31, at 15:30, David Booth wrote:
> I find the idea of using subPropertyOf quite creative and intriguing,
> and it may be a good solution in some cases.  But it does have the
> downside of requiring inference (to recognize that :knows3412 is a
> subPropertyOf foaf:knows), whereas the named graph approach doesn't.

Not necessarily, if you exercise some restraint in the degree to which you apply subPropertyOf, it can be done in straight SPARQL 1.0 with little pain:

  <alice> ?p <bob> .
  ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf :married .
  ?p dc:date ?date .

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO
Garlik, a part of Experian
+44 7854 417 874
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Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2012 11:15:22 UTC