ANN: LODIB - Linked Open Data Integration Benchmark

(Apologies for cross-posting)

Hi all,

we are happy to announce the release of the Linked Open Data
Integration Benchmark (LODIB), which has been devised for comparing the
expressivity as well as the runtime performance of Linked Data translation
systems. It was developed by a collaboration between the University of
Sevilla and the Web Based Systems Group.

The benchmark was devised by looking at a sample of entities from the LOD
Cloud. From this sample we extracted a catalog of fifteen data translation
patterns and survey how often these patterns occur in the example set.
Based on these statistics, we designed our benchmark that aims to reflect
the real-world heterogeneities that exist on the Web of Data. The
benchmark also comes with a data generator in order to test data
translation systems at differet scales.

We applied the benchmark to test the performance of two data translation
systems, Mosto and LDIF, and compare the performance of the systems with
the SPARQL 1.1 CONSTRUCT query performance of the Jena TDB RDF store.

LODIB is publicly available at:

Best regards,
Carlos R. Rivero (University of Sevilla), Andreas Schultz (Freie Universität
Berlin), Christian Bizer (Freie Universität Berlin) and David Ruiz
(University of Sevilla)

Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2012 11:20:38 UTC