Accepted Papers & Program: Messaging and Web of Data Workshop at WWW2012 (Lyon, France)

*Messaging and Web of Data: Private meets Public (and vice-versa) *
International Workshop in conjunction
with the 21st World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2012)

Workshop date: April 16 (afternoon), 2012 - Lyon, France

*Accepted Papers and Program*

Invited Talk
14:00-14:30 - "Email between private use and organizational purpose". 
Uwe V. Riss.

Paper Session 1
14:30-15:00 - "Context-sensitive Business Process Support Based On 
Emails". Thomas Burkhart, Dirk Werth and Peter Loos. (Full paper)
15:00-15:30 - "Interpreting Contact Details out of E-mail Signature 
Blocks". Gaëlle Recourcé. (Short paper)

Paper Session 2
16:00-16:30 - "Emails as Graph: Relation Discovery in Email Archive", 
Michal Laclavík, Marek Ciglan, Štefan Dlugolinský, Martin Šeleng and 
Ladislav Hluchý. (Full paper)
16:30-17:00 - "Full-text search in email archives using social 
evaluation". Vojtech Juhasz. (Short paper)

17h00 - Discussions.

*Workshop objective and goals*

The growing amount of public available data on the WWW is a new 
opportunity to improve Messaging systems (e.g. Email, Social Media, 
Instant Messaging) in multiple forms, such as messages content, 
processing (classification, etc.) and presentation. This workshop is 
dedicated to explore how public web data, such as identities, agendas, 
LinkedData, social networks or various information published on the web 
can meet private messaging data (semi-structured headers, information 
extracted from emails, footers such as signatures, etc.) to bring new 
insight for users, and prevent error or abuse. Reciprocally, messages 
can become public (think about public email archives, leaked email 
datasets, Twitter timelines, etc.), but sometimes to implement web 
standards to be efficiently identified, distributed and linked. This 
private/public duality and versality, applied to messages in general 
(and especially to email), is the basis of this workshop, which goes 
beyond technical aspects and aims at exploring impacts on users' 
practices, interfaces and trust.
In this workshop edition, we want to particularly explore 1) how to 
preserve privacy in the context strictly private messages (Email, Direct 
Messages) and public data (such as open linked data) by minimizing 
information disclosure, and 2) the integration of social media (Twitter, 
Facebook) with conventional messaging systems (Email, forums) in an 
everyday use, and its impact on data acquisation and organisation.


The workshop proceedings will be published and indexed as the WWW 2012 
companion volume on the ACM Digital Library.
The papers will be accessible through website.
The best paper(s) (extended version) will be published in Journal of 
Computing and Informatics (CAI)
Organizers and Program Committee

*Workshop chairs*

Romain Vuillemot, INRIA, Paris, France (
Michal Laclavik, IISAS, Slovakia (
Vitor R. Carvalho, Intelius, USA (vitor@

*Program Committee*

D. Sculley, Google Research, USA
Ian Smith, Everbread, UK
Diana Maynard, NLP Group, University of Sheffield, UK
Andrew Lampert, Palantir Technologies, Australia
David Ascher, Mozilla Messaging, USA
Uwe Riss, SAP Research, Germany
Thomas Burkhart, IWI DFKI, Germany
Simon Scerri, DERI, Ireland
Nicolas Ducheneaut, PARC, USA
John Tang, Microsoft Research, USA
Mark Dredze, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Gaëlle Recourcé, Kwaga, France

More information on the Workshop's website:

Romain Vuillemot
Postdoc, AVIZ Team, INRIA

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2012 13:00:29 UTC