First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis: Early Registration Reminder

The International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA)
organizes the

     First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis
                  July 16-20, 2012 -- Trento, Italy                  


    -->  Early registration:  Apr 16, 2012  (IAOA membership required)
    -->   IAOA subscription:  Apr 12, 2012  (allowing for early registration)
    -->   Grant application:  Apr 08, 2012


Six experts in different disciplines (philosophy, cognitive linguistics,
knowledge representation and conceptual modeling) will meet for a week
with students and researchers to present common themes in applied ontology
and describe them from each discipline's viewpoint, to engage in open
discussions with each other, and to interact with the participants.


  Early Registration (Mar 15 - Apr 16): Student 150 euro, Regular 250 euro
  Late Registration  (Apr 17 - Jul 06): Student 250 euro, Regular 350 euro

The registration to the summer school requires IAOA membership. 
To apply for IAOA membership see

Note that subscription to IAOA must be approved, therefore you should apply
by Apr 12, 2012. In this way there is time for the membership setup process to
complete before the end of the summer school early registration period.

The number of participants is limited to 80. Participation is granted based
on the order of registration.

The fee includes admission to all courses, coffee breaks, and lunches.

The IAOA funds some grants for students. The grant covers the registration fee.
In exceptional cases the IAOA will contribute to cover travel expenses and

The Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) funds additional
grants accessible only to members of both AI*IA and IAOA.

Grant application is only possible before Apr 08, 2012.
See the website for details. 

Christiane Fellbaum, Dept. of Computer Science, Princeton University,
Ontology, semantics, and cognitive linguistics

Chiara Ghidini and Luciano Serafini, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento,
Logical tools for ontological analysis

Nicola Guarino, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Trento,
Introduction to Applied Ontology

Giancarlo Guizzardi, Dept. of Computer Science, Federal University of Espírito Santo,
Ontology-driven conceptual modelling

Kevin Mulligan, Dept. of Philosophy, Université de Genčve,
Ontological analysis: the philosophical perspective

Visit the web site of the school for more information:

The school is open to students, researchers and practitioners.

Feel free to distribute the announcement.

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2012 08:32:03 UTC