Last Call for Papers of OSEMA in FOIS 2012

Last Call for papers OSEMA 2012

2nd International Workshop on Ontology and Semantic web for Manufacturing
(OSEMA 2012):
at the 7th International Conference on Formal Ontologies in Information
Systems (FOIS 2012):
July 24th or 25th Graz, Austria


Developing innovative and competitive products in a globalized world
requires an orchestrated Product Life Cycle Management (PLM). Apart from
enterprise policies and good human-based communication channels,
appropriate technologies which support representing, managing and reusing
the PLM knowledge as well as inferring implicit knowledge in large and
geographically distributed knowledge bases are mandatory. Some
requirements, related with knowledge, are considered in Ontology and the
Semantic Web framework. That is causing an increasing interest in using
them into the manufacturing domain. Design for Manufacturing (DfM),
Concurrent Engineering (CE) and Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) are
modern manufacturing approaches in which the search of orchestration
becomes evident. Today there is still the necessity of methodologies,
frameworks, software tools and more use cases to support industrial
implementations. Ontologies have been used to model products and more
recently other resources (machine-tools). In the same way the Semantic Web
could support the workflow and decision making in the PLM, enabling
automatic information retrieval and reasoning. It is necessary to provide a
discussion scenario where theoretical positions, best practices,
implementations, proposals of standards, and frameworks are presented. It
will deserve special interest to discuss how the manufacturing industry can
take advantage of Semantic Web technologies.


- How can the Semantic Web support the development of new products?
- Ontological framework for manufacturing and interoperability
- A CAD ontology per standard? Or a CAD upper ontology?
- Description Logic, First Order Logic, or Common Logic in the
manufacturing domain?
-  One enterprise ontology or modular enterprise ontology?
- How can OWL be used to represent processes in the manufacturing domain?
- Knowledge management over the manufacturing "Know how".
- How can the versioning of products be managed? Can ontology help? How?
- How can raw materials be semantically described?
- Semantic search over the manufacturing information space.
- How can tagging techniques be applied within the manufacturing domain?
-Ontology repositories for the manufacturing domain.

We want to bring together researchers and practitioners active in the
design, development, and application of ontologies and the Semantic Web in
the manufacturing domain, as well as industrial representatives in Computer
Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), and Computer
Aided Manufacturing (CAM) industry who are interested in integrating the
Product Life Cycle management into their software tools.

Submission deadline:               15 April (23:59 Hawaii Time)
Notification of acceptance:      15 may
Camera-ready submission:        16 June (23:59 Hawaii Time)
Date of workshop:                 24 July or 25 July


Only electronic submissions will be considered. All submissions should be
submitted in pdf format, to <about:blank>.
Submissions should not exceed 14 pages and Papers should be submitted
electronically as PDF files prepared in accordance with the IOS formatting
guidelines.  (
The workshop proceedings will be uploaded to CEUR ( .

Adila A. Krisnadhi, Wright State University, United States of America.
Aristeidis Matsokis, Holcim, Switzerland.
Amina Chniti, IBM Software Group, AIM Division. France.
Aziz Bouras, University Claude Bernard Lyon II, France.
George Tsinarakis, Intelligent Systems and Robotic Laboratory. Greece.
Hilmer Palomares, Universidad Nacional Abierta, Venezuela.
Katariina Nyberg, Aalto University, Dept. of Media Technology, and
University of Helsinki, Finnland.
Marcela Vegetti, Institute of Design and Development, Argentina.
Oliver Eck, Department of Computer Science, HTWG Konstanz, Germany.
Parisa Ghoudous, University Claude Bernard Lyon I, France.
Richard Gil Herrera, University Simón Bolivar. Venezuela.
Suvodeep Mazumdar, University of Sheffield. United Kingdom.
Thomas Moser, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

Luis Enrique Ramos García, University of Bremen, Germany. (Contact person)
Sylvere Krima, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Dimitra Anastasiou, University of Bremen
Yuh-Jen Chen (to be confirmed), National Kaohsiung First University of
Science and Technology, Taiwan.

Received on Monday, 2 April 2012 07:47:04 UTC