N-ary relations [was Re: relational data as a bona fide member of the SM]

Hi Toby,

Extending the syntax may be useful in some cases, but bear in mind that
there is no actual need to extend the syntax in order to enable n-ary
relations to be recognized in RDF.  They can simply be tagged as being
n-ary relations, provided that standard n-ary-relation-tagging URIs have
been defined.

For example, here is one way to do it using lists:
  @prefix foaf:   <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
  @prefix std:    <http://standards.example.org/Nary#> .
  @prefix :       <http://example.com/job#> .
  @prefix person: <http://example/person#> .

  ####### Using list style with positional elements:
  :job a std:NaryRelation .

  person:joe foaf:name "Joe Bloggs" ;
    :job ( "Bee Keeper" "W3C" ) ;
    :job ( "Senior Vice-President" "CompuGlobalHyperMeganet" ) ;
    :job ( "Polar Bear Wrangler" "DHARMA Initiative" ) .

This style has the benefit of brevity.

And another way to do it using classes:
  @prefix foaf:   <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
  @prefix std:    <http://standards.example.org/Nary#> .
  @prefix :       <http://example.com/job#> .
  @prefix person: <http://example/person#> .

  ####### Using class style with bnodes and named elements:
  :Job a std:NaryRelationClass .

  person:jen foaf:name "Jen Bloggs" ;
    is :employee of
      [ a :Job ;
        :title "Bee Keeper" ;
        :employer "W3C" ] ,
      [ a :Job ;
        :title "Senior Vice-President" ;
        :employer "CompuGlobalHyperMeganet" ] ,
      [ a :Job ;
        :title "Polar Bear Wrangler" ;
        :employer "DHARMA Initiative" ] .

One key thing that this would enable is that an RDF store that knows the
semantics of std:NaryRelation or std:NaryRelationClass would be licensed
to eliminate duplicate triples -- triples that it otherwise may not be
able to recognize as duplicates, because of those pesky bnode.  (Lists
automatically create bnodes, so both examples use bnodes.)  

To further explain for the benefit of other readers who may not be so
familiar with the semantics of RDF lists, this statement:

  person:joe :job ( "Bee Keeper" "W3C" ) .

actually means:

  person:joe :job _:b1 .
  _:b1 rdf:first "Bee Keeper" ; rdf:next _:b2 .
  _:b2 rdf:first "W3C" ; rdf:next rdf:nil .

and if that is read in twice to an RDF database then you may get it
appearing twice (with different bnodes) in your data:

  person:joe :job _:b1 .
  _:b1 rdf:first "Bee Keeper" ; rdf:next _:b2 .
  _:b2 rdf:first "W3C" ; rdf:next rdf:nil .

  person:joe :job _:b3 .
  _:b3 rdf:first "Bee Keeper" ; rdf:next _:b4 .
  _:b4 rdf:first "W3C" ; rdf:next rdf:nil .

because the RDF list semantics 
does not say that either of those entails the other.  In other words, it
would be as though the exact same n-ary relation were appearing twice in
your database:

  person:joe :job ( "Bee Keeper" "W3C" ) .
  person:joe :job ( "Bee Keeper" "W3C" ) .

and that is *not* what one would want.  The ability to recognize :job as
a std:NaryRelation would enable the RDF store to avoid storing duplicate
assertions like this.

So personally, although a new syntax may be useful sometimes, I think it
is more important to standardize a semantic tag that would allow n-ary
relations to be recognized with or without a special syntax.


On Sat, 2011-11-12 at 01:42 +0000, Toby Inkster wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Nov 2011 09:57:08 +0200 (EET)
> Sampo Syreeni <decoy@iki.fi> wrote:
> > As a relational minded guy, I wonder why there aren't any genuinely 
> > relational minded formats/syntaxes/data around
> Strikes me that N3 and SPARQL could be extended with some pretty
> simple syntactic sugar to get this done.
> #### employment_history.n3x ###########################
> @prefix j: <http://example.com/job#> .
> @relation JOB; j:Job, j:Employment; (j:title j:employer) .
> <#joe>
>   foaf:name "Joe Bloggs" ;
>   is j:employee of
>     JOB("Bee Keeper" "W3C") ,
>     JOB("Senior Vice-President" "CompuGlobalHyperMeganet") ,
>     JOB("Polar Bear Wrangler" "DHARMA Initiative") .
> #######################################################
> The "@relation" directive would establish a relationship identifier. (In
> the above case, "JOB".) Relationship types take a set of classes (above,
> j:Job and j:Employment) and a list of properties.
> When parsing, if the relationship identifier is encountered, the parser
> consumes this, and then consumes an RDF list, but rather than adding
> the list to the graph, it interpolates the classes and properties.
>     JOB("Bee Keeper" "W3C")
> is treated as:
>     [ a j:Job, j:Employment; j:title "Bee Keeper"; j:employer "W3C" ]
> An extended version of SPARQL (SPARQL-R, say) could include a similar
> facility.
> I've been playing with extending N3 syntax:
> http://www.w3.org/wiki/ShorthandRDF#RDF-TriN3_Implementation
> http://goddamn.co.uk/svn-web/perlmods/view/RDF-TriN3/examples/vcard_ttl.pl
> This certainly seems like a useful idea, and I'd be happy to experiment
> with something along these lines.

David Booth, Ph.D.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of his employer.

Received on Saturday, 12 November 2011 19:03:40 UTC