- From: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke@gmx.de>
- Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 13:50:21 +0200
- To: <semantic-web@w3.org>
Call for Papers I-Semantics 2011: 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems Graz, Austria, 7 - 9 September 2011 http://www.i-semantics.at including Call for Papers 6th AIS SigPrag International Conference Track on Pragmatic Web (ICPW 2011) & Call for Submissions 4th Triplification Challenge Latest News: ================================================================ I-SEMANTICS proceedings published by ACM ICPS Important Dates Extended Submission Deadline: May 30, 2011 Notification of Acceptance: June 27, 2011 Camera-Ready Paper: July 18, 2011 I-SEMANTICS 2011: September 7-9, 2011 ================================================================ Scope ----- I-SEMANTICS 2011 (www.i-semantics.at) is the 7th conference in the I-SEMANTICS series and provides a forum for academic and industrial research & development that focuses on semantic technologies and the Semantic Web. I-SEMANTICS 2011 will bring together both researchers and practitioners in the areas of Linked Data, Social Software and the Semantic Web in order to present and develop innovative ideas that help realising the ÒSocial Semantic WebÓ and the ÒCorporate Semantic WebÓ. I-SEMANTICS 2011 will be the host of the 6th AIS SigPrag International Conference on Pragmatic Web as well as the 4th edition of the TRIPLIFICATION Challenge. Further on I-SEMANTICS will be complemented by I-KNOW (www.i-know.at), the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management. This setup is aiming to reflect the increasing importance and convergence of knowledge management and semantic systems. Topics ------ As a conference aiming to bring together science and industry, I-SEMANTICS encourages scientific research and application oriented contributions in the field of Semantic Technologies and Linked Data. The topics of interest for this yearÕs conference include but are not limited to: Linked Data and Web of Data - Triplification of existing data - Vocabularies, taxonomies and schemas for use on the Web of Data - Querying, searching and browsing over the Web of Data - User interaction and visualisation of Semantic Web Data - Applications utilizing large open data sets - Linked Enterprise Data, Linked Government Data - Languages, tools and methodologies for representing, managing and reasoning on the Web of Data - Semantic Sensor Web Quality of Semantic Data on the Web - Provenance Information for Linked Data - Large-Scale Ontology inspection and repair - Co-reference detection and dataset reconciliation - Maintenance of Linked Data Models - Quality criteria for socially generated semantic content - Trust, privacy and security in Semantic Web applications Corporate Semantic Web - Corporate thesauri, corporate business vocabularies / ontologies and business rules - Semantic Business Information Systems - Semantic Business Process Management - Semantic Decision Management - Semantics, Pragmatics and Semiotics in Organizations - Economic and entrepreneurial aspects and business models of Semantic Enterprises Social Web of Semantic Data - Semantic blogging, wikis and content management systems - Semantic Desktop & Semantic mashups - Semantic/structured tagging - Social semantic web and mobile services Semantic Content Engineering - (Collaborative) Ontology Engineering - Ontology modularity, alignment and merging - Ontology Design Patterns - Ontology Life Cycle Management - Ontology Learning and knowledge acquisition (including Linguistic and statistic for structuring and extracting content and entities) - Automated annotation, extreme tagging and digital curation approaches Semantic Web Applications and Application Building Blocks - Scalable inference, retrieval, and persistence of semantic data - Design processes from requirements to maintenance - Design patterns, Best practices and Reference Models - User-interface components, template languages - Integration of distributed repositories - Policy Awareness & Policy Aware Web - Semantic web services - Applications of semantic web technologies Studies, Metrics & Benchmarks - Case studies of and benchmarks in semantic systems usage - Evaluation perspectives, methods and Semantic Web research methodologies - Technology assessment, acceptance/media choice theories - Usability and user interaction with semantic technologies - Economic effects generated by large scale semantic systems - Applications with clear lessons learned or evaluations Pragmatic Web Track =================== The track on PRAGMATIC WEB is centered around the study of ÒpragmaticsÓ in the Semantic Web. That is, it draws attention to how communicative actions with a pragmatic context are performed via Web media and illuminates how mutual understanding and commitments to actions can evolve in conversations. For further information about the Pragmatic Web see http://www.pragmaticweb.info/ Topics of Interest ------------------ - Pragmatic Web Science - Theories, Frameworks, Models and Methods Éinspired by Pragmatics and Pragmatism, or less formally, case study reflections on ÒpragmaticÓ uses of the Web that supported the negotiation of social/work relationships and common ground - Applied pragmatic theory - Communication, dialogue and argumentation models - Pragmatic Web media for communicative actions - Pragmatic collaboration and coordination tools - Pragmatic context models (e.g. within conversation-based collaborations) - Pragmatic design principles for Web contents where trust and commitment to action play a role - Vocabularies / ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts, deontic primitives) - Linguistic metaphor: its value for framing the Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Web - Pragmatic model of scientific inquiry in Semantic Web research - Negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, and coordination combining existing ontologies and schemata, collaborative ontology sharing and matching techniques - Integrative frameworks: approaches to integrating insights from component disciplines (e.g. language-action perspectives, cognition, linguistics, semiotics, knowledge representation, philosophy, interaction design, negotiation, media studies) - Pragmatic reasoning supporting adaptive semantic collaboration and virtual collaborative teams - Sense making, analysis and decision-making in a cooperative or non-cooperative pragmatic model - Argumentation, dialogue and debate - Personalized / role-based Pragmatic Web Agents and intelligent conversation or action based web services - Pragmatic Web based human-human and human-computer interaction - Semiotically motivated approaches to information systems - Semiotic engineering and Semiotics in business computing - Semiotic theory, concepts, methods and techniques, and their practical applications Triplification Challenge ======================== The challenge is open to anyone interested in applying Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies. This includes students, developers, researchers, and people from industry. Individual or group submissions are both acceptable. We envision submissions that fall into one or more of the following topics: - Novel data sets that are published as part of the Web of Data, according to Linked Data principles, and demonstrating potential benefit of use within applications; - Novel generic mechanisms, approaches, and technologies that convert certain types and formats of information into triples, interlink them to other data sets, and expose them as Linked Data; - Applications showcasing the benefits of Linked Data to end-users such as for information syndication, specialized search, browsing, or augmentation of content. A prize money will be given to the most promising applications, newly published datasets and methodological approaches built upon Linked Data. Participants can choose between an Open Track and a special Open Government Data Track. Evaluation Criteria ------------------- Entries shall consist of a 2-3 page description and will be assessed according to the extent to which they: - demonstrate innovation through the expression of existing data structures as Linked Data; - reasonably reuse existing vocabularies and alignment ontologies (e.g., the datasets from the Linking Open Data cloud); - automatically discover and use new, linked data and do not restrict themselves to a predefined set of data sources; - bring real benefits to potential users through the consumption of Linked Data sources in real-world applications. All three criteria will be given equal importance in selecting the winning entry. In the event of a tie, the entry deemed to bring greatest benefits to potential users will be awarded the prize. Please find further information at http://i-semantics.tugraz.at/triplification_challenge Submission Information ====================== All accepted papers of I-SEMANTICS 2011 will be published in the digital library of the ACM ICP series. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) and must be submitted via the online submission system available at the conference website as PDF documents (other formats will not be accepted). For the camera-ready version, we will also need the source files (Latex, Word Perfect, Word). ISBN Number ----------- The publication will be available under the following ISBN number: 978-1-4503-0621-8 Research/Application Papers --------------------------- Research/Application papers report on novel research and/or applications relevant to the topics of the conference. The number of pages of research papers is limited to 8 pages including references and an optional appendix. Posters, Demos & Tutorials The conference also particularly welcomes the submission of posters, demos, and tutorials. Submissions should consist of a 2-4 page description that allows us to judge the quality of your presentation. Descriptions will also be published as part of the proceedings. Important Dates --------------- - Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2011 - Notification of Acceptance: Mai 30, 2011 - Camera-Ready Paper: June 30, 2011 - I-SEMANTICS 2011: September 7-9, 2011 Committee (in alphabetical order) ================================= Program Chairs -------------- * Chiara Ghidini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) * Stefanie Lindstaedt (Know Center Graz) * Axel Ngonga (University of Leipzig) Track Chairs ------------ * Bernhard Schandl (University of Vienna) Ð Triplification Challenge * Hans Weigand (Tilburg University) Ð Pragmatic Web Track Industry Chair -------------- * Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company) Conference Chair ---------------- * Tassilo Pellegrini (Semantic Web Company) Program Committee ----------------- Please go to: http://i-semantics.tugraz.at/scientific-track/program-committee/ Steering Committee ------------------ * Sšren Auer (University of Leipzig) * Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company) * Michael Granitzer (Technical University of Graz / Know Center Graz) * Adrian Paschke (Freie Universitaet Berlin)
Received on Saturday, 21 May 2011 11:50:53 UTC