Call for participation-1st SEALS Tutorial - Semantic evaluation at large scale

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION. Apologies for multiple postings.

1st SEALS Tutorial - Semantic evaluation at large scale

at the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2011,
Heraklion, Greece.
May 29th, 2011
Duration: Full Day

Semantic Web technologies have become a well-established area of
computer science research. With the increasing number of technologies
being developed, the problem of how to compare and evaluate the various
approaches gains more and more importance. Such evaluation is critical
not only for future scientific progress, but also for the industrial
adoption of the developed technologies. A still open challenge in this
area is the lack of standard benchmarks and evaluation resources that
can be easily reused by the community.

The objective of the SEALS (Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale) European
project is to create a lasting reference infrastructure for semantic
technology evaluation (the SEALS Platform) and enable the continuous
benchmarking of semantic technologies at a large scale via public
evaluation campaigns. In October 2010 the SEALS project completed its
first phase where different evaluation services for semantic
technologies were implemented in the SEALS Platform and were used to
evaluate several tools in the first set of SEALS Evaluation Campaigns.

Automated evaluation of semantic technologies is a challenge in the
Semantic Web area. SEALS concentrates on providing an infrastructure for
the evaluation of five key areas of semantic technologies: ontology
engineering tools, storage and reasoning systems, matching tools,
semantic search tools, and semantic web service tools. The SEALS
Platform provides an integrated way for evaluating these technologies
through a set of evaluation services and test suites. This kind of
infrastructure is crucial for researches, developers and industrial
adopters of these technologies.

*This tutorial aims at presenting the SEALS Platform and is targeted at
researchers and practitioners interested in learning how to use this
platform for evaluating their semantic technologies.*

*For more information see *

*Register at the ESWC 2011 conference website*
<> (mark the box for
Tutorial 6 on the registration form)

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2011 13:35:53 UTC