OKCon 2011: preliminary programme + list of speakers

Dear all,

I am happy to announce the preliminary Programme of the Open Knowledge Conference - OKCon 2011


It already includes a great variety of interesting talks and sessions. Final version will be published around June, 1st.

I am delighted to share with you a sneak preview list of speakers already confirmed their coming.


You are invited to also join the pro-OKCon workshops and a screen scraping day - kind of hackathon, see more: http://okcon.org/blog

All in all we are exited and looking forward to a great Conference with all of you! 

Please note: There are only 15 days left to get your early bird ticket.


All the best

PS: sorry for cross-posting

Daniel Dietrich

The Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org  -  www.opendefinition.org

Mail: daniel.dietrich@okfn.org
Mobil: +49 171 780 870 3
Twitter: @ddie

Received on Saturday, 14 May 2011 12:28:22 UTC