Reminder Web Science Meetup in Montpellier, France - Friday May 13th 2011

Dear Web Scientists and others ;)


We are pleased to announce and invite you to participate in the Web Science
Meetup that will be held in Montpellier, France, at LIRMM Friday May 13th,


The Meetup is neither a conference nor a workshop but rather an informal
working day to gather people interested in both Web Science research and
teaching as well as to prepare the future collaborations on that topic. This
is an exciting opportunity to become aware (and take part) in the  growing
understanding of what is meant by Web Science!


You will get details on the Meetup and a sense of who is coming at:



A more formal program of the talks and discussion of the day is available


Anyone interested in studying (research and teaching) the Web as a science
is more than welcome to the day! (for logistics reasons, please do inform me
by email or by subscription to the Meetup group and event)


Best regards

The organizers,

Dr. Clement Jonquet, University of Montpellier, LIRMM

Pr. Stefano A. Cerri, University of Montpellier, LIRMM

Pr. Hugh C. Davis, University of Southampton, ECS



Dr. Clement JONQUET  -  PhD in Informatics  -  Assistant Professor 


                University of Montpellier


                161 rue Ada 
                34095 Montpellier Cdx 5



Tel:                +33/4 67 14 97 43     

Fax:               +33/4 67  41 85 00

Skype:          clementpro

Twitter:        @jonquet_lirmm <> 

Slideshare:  jonquet <> 





Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 08:06:37 UTC