Re: requesting feeback about urls for a library catalog


Just an email to ask a few question to clarify the purpose of some of
these things before we get to the meat of things ;

> <data>/<id>#foaf:Person identifies a person

Why does #foaf:Person identify the <id> as a person? Can the same id
also have a different type?

> <data>/<id>#frbr:Work identifies a work

Are you doing the full FRBR monty, or just a few select?


So this is a readable name version of
? What does readable mean?

> <data>/1234 redirects via HTTP 303 to <data>/1234/readable_name


> <data>/1234/readable_name redirects via HTTP 301 to <data>/1234/readable_name/


> <data>/1234/victor_hugo/en.html
> <data>/1234/victor_hugo/rdf.xml

What would the language of the XML be? Or are they implicitly multi-lingual?

Just a few questions before I condemn the use of anchors in
identifiers, berate FRBR as an RDF model and generally wince about
typification. :) No, not really. Well, just a bit. But do tell a bit
more about the logic behind your choices. What are you trying to
achieve? What clients would use and benefit from your choices?

Kind regards,

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
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Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2011 11:09:07 UTC