
Juan Sequeda wrote:
I'm surprised nobody has started the discussion on the gran announcement of Google, Yahoo and Bing on
What do you all think? Is this a step forward or a step backwards? 

Thanks, Juan, for the reference:
It looks a big step backward, what looks now standard for big IT companies. 
The most generic type is Thing (described with name, url, image, and description): The whole mess starts from its "full type hierarchy",
  a.. CreativeWork 
  b.. Event 
  c.. Intangible 
  d.. Organization 
  e.. Person 
  f.. Place 
  g.. Product 
I have a feeling, hope is wrong, that the creators never have heard anything about ontology, or about WordNet at least...
Besides, years ago we published Ontopaedia, a universal/common/general schema of things, where all the kinds and types are arranged in a single consistent hierarchy, with a set of properties for each type of thing (ONTOPEDIAŽ, i know it costs...). 
Bottom line:
The folks from Bing, Google and Yahoo! urgently need to start learning ontology, common/upper/universal/standard ontology in the first place; for their "collection of schemas" will much complicate the web searching as well as web sites tagging...
Some moral. We don't prize and value each over works, but this mutual neglect will destroy all of us. Since the less one knows the more cocksure and chesty he gets...
Azamat Abdoullaev

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Juan Sequeda 
  To: Semantic Web 
  Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 4:14 PM

  Hi all,

  I'm surprised nobody has started the discussion on the gran announcement of Google, Yahoo and Bing on

  What do you all think? Is this a step forward or a step backwards? 
  Thanks, Juan, for the reference

  Is this "the best news I have heard in years regarding the structured Web, RDF, and the semantic Web" [1] or not?

  Looking forward to this discussion!


  Juan Sequeda

Received on Friday, 3 June 2011 15:39:19 UTC